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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice catches.. Supers summore.. nice bro..
  2. xeifu also got custom too?? cant wait to see all the results...
  3. i really want to watch the sema, slaughtered..
  4. alamak, poisons!! gotta go find 7es.. wait, here in tganu only got 5 7e, huhu..
  5. @blisskertz : thanks bro.. nice song.. @py : thanks a lot bro.. @rgsukan : yup, better late than never.. thanks bro!! @athani : thanks.. @danielh : owh, its ok bro.. btw thanks a lot bos!!
  6. @adrian : thanks bro.. @kukubeh : thanks.. but unfortunately, found nothing today.. .. maybe tmrw, @uzer hisham : thanks man.. @kurz : terima kasih abang!!
  7. nice blog bro!! looks like i gonna start mine too la ,
  8. al winners had been PMed.. thanks all..
  9. 1st sales now end, 2nd sales start later n will end at 2 days after..thanks for the winners.. winners will be PMs shortly..
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