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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. Spoiler: i laughing like hell.. plus promote wishlist summore, ..
  2. jhc7598

    What Brand?

    can merge topic ka?? P
  3. Looks like someone will camp outside amcorp on saturday nite, btw i'm coming this weekend to amcorp,
  4. wow.. looks like i had to own a blog also la,
  5. haha.. nice one mr admin!..
  6. nice btw.. love the two tone color!!
  7. wah, nice la.. wonder la how much each of them..
  8. King - king ni jangan sebut selalu sangat, sensitip. Especially when Demonicle is around. Haha.. I know what u mean by that,
  9. .. ko pn dah tau kn ape yg aku suka,
  10. jhc7598

    What Brand?

    ^where's zacktan coming?? DA la saying that as bburago..
  11. erm, if done this weekend, i cant attend since i'll be at KL this weekend.. mr DA, i think mr organizer busy organizing his exams la,
  12. yup, its not about surpassing anyone but this hauls, make me jealous la, huhu.. i didnt haul for a long time ady.. and yup, its for cuci mata for guys like me.. keep hauling bro!!!
  13. wawh.. now very garang already.. nice bro.. me outdated ady, didnt have any hauls..
  14. jhc7598

    october haul

    nice.. love that impalas..
  15. kalu aku jumpa mesti aku potong itu rims, wah, so many poisons la.. i only had 2 only .. tu pun orang tolak kt aku,
  16. nice... nice detailing on the cars.. like the silver, with the black rims.. look very garang, .. still looking for that white civic..
  17. wah, creative!!! really really spooky!! great job bro!! another custom sifu, apart from danielh n elgee!!!
  18. wah, nice nice!! but Google worth USD2.41 Billion.. n lowyat.net worth USD800K ++ ... when la hwcmalaysia.com can reach that,
  19. i also wish i could help but my wishlist kinda same la,
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