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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. thanks bro.. for the decal, thanks to waterslide,
  2. haha.. looks like i gonna try custom nasi lemak la later, thanks bro, yeah, the bleeding are one of my unavoidable problems when doing customs. last time danielh tell me how he does the masking, n i'll try again soon.. thanks bro danielh, n also thanks to u bro elgee, for the tips!! looks like i'm gonna try harder, n take my time putting masking..
  3. thanks.. actually i gonna strip the paint, n try to paint it again.. not look very nice ler.. huhu.. btw thanks bro!! yeah, waterslide surely rocks!!
  4. aiyoo.. this is massive..!! great haul bro!!
  5. oh no, elgee strikes back.. against our malaysian food avatars, huhu~~ joke joke.. lots of cool stuff!! nice bro!!
  6. haha.. i burst to laugh when i saw the title just now, LoL.. new sensations, roti canai by matchboxclub,
  7. whah!! yellow DD!!! i didnt have any 2009's DD yet,
  8. really?? but still too expensive for just 1 wanted car.. looks like this wave got many nice 5-pack, but i want only 1-2 cars from each of them, .
  9. @danielh : wah, thanks.. now it's really odd co incidents, huhu.. both of us done a same cars.. yup, i'm using waterslide decal paper, but my printer cant print very well.. maybe bcoz i'm using just an ordinary printer.. btw waiting 2 see ur version of VW fastback.. my fastback had to strip of paint and repaint again.. the paint not neatly done bcoz of the bleeding i said last day.. had to try ur step in masking n spraying, thanks for the tips bro!! @CKH : thanks bro.. appreciate that.. but still havent reach sifu status yet.. still dont have dremel,
  10. alamak, uncle chia come again, bringing some new poisons!! all nice uncle!! love them all, especially milk moo-ver!! Moooooo~~
  11. jhc7598

    Tesco cars

    yup, agree with kurz.. only the wheels are setback for the tesco cars. their details are awesome!!
  12. huhu.. kene wat sendiri, hehe~~ seriously this is my most tiresome custom i'd eved done.. line on the sky,
  13. same with me, kukubeh.. i also hesitated when holding this 5-pack.. wait for promotion lar, huhu~ @altezza : local food promotions!!
  14. thanks.. no la, still had lots to learn la.. btw thanks..
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