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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wah.. nice!! too bad i cant be there seeing our sifus...
  2. oh, that.. thanks for clearing up.. i thought the white ice cream van also have blue color.. hehe~~
  3. Are you not entertained? he's more into those ayam golek.. ayam golek? huhu~~ still not deciding which clan, huhu..
  4. owh, ok.. looks like now i'm mostly 80% joining this raceday! thanks mr admin.. gonna have my revenge that day!!
  5. @sinclair : hehe, thanks.. i bet many ppl already complete, just dun wanna show here only... @py : yesss master py.. huhu.. hope u got the other 2.. btw my reg still not complete tho, huhu.. kinda weird coz i had lost my reg 49 merc, arghh!! nowhere to be seen.. must be taken by my little cousins, grrr..
  6. thanks master.. how about shows ur, in clearer pics..
  7. although i had been posting a lot in this thread, but i still didnt post any of my thunt, so thats means i never join this HWCMTHC yet.. to make it official, i'll post part of my little collection of THs.. sorry for bad-quality photo, taken from my HP,
  8. ^ wah, ur pocket so deep so nevermind la, huhu~~ faster faster post pics when the poisons arrive, hehe~
  9. a hardware shop at midvalley (i think its name is ace hardware) got those spray can, gud luck in ur customs~
  10. there is a blue color one on ice cream truck??
  11. hepi birthday bro!! may ur business always success and also in HWs hunting also!!
  12. me also, cant find them even one reg, aduyai~~
  13. bro, u can use the chrome spray from hardware shop, but from my experience, u must spray it when the weather are really hot n direct sunshine to get maximum result.. but to be honest, from my last custom, i prefer bosney chrome spray compared to Anchor brand coz i found out the bosney's one kinda more chrome than that Anchor brand.. but dunno la about other ppl, my statement base on my experience
  14. wah, i'm building that evoX now.. looks like tomica done it first, btw many new poisons coming up!!! arghhh!!!
  15. from kl to ss15, and after the gath end, from ss15 to kl.. maybe i manage to borrow my fren car, or maybe not..
  16. This one memang posion!!!! E-vil Bay banyak!! Jus get ready ur bullet! juz now check on ebay the price for ur penske is us30 wow so mahal ma..heheh i do prefer to buy 1:18 3 set of VW dragbus only us60 heheh much cheaper than 1:64.. it's true some 1:18 cost a bit low but shipping for 1:18 way more expensive compared to 1:64, plus there are 3 of them summore!! it will be way too heavy la, and cost way too much.. .
  17. wah, got new ferrari 5-pack??nice!!
  18. owh, i'm now 50%-50% coming to this raceday.. coz transport problem,
  19. wow, first time seen it!! thanks bro for sharing!!
  20. wah, triple birthday!!! congrats to bro elgee, bro UCB and bro RGSUKAN!!!
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