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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice haul bro!! mercy custom again next time?
  2. this not boring la bro... nice hauls la..
  3. dah smpai lit tak ke?? kurz, tolong... ------- /viewtopic.forum?t=2038
  4. thanks guys.. i dunno la, that my 3rd accident in a month, huhu.. maybe its time to switch to a new car, maybe Nissan GTR, in my dreams only.. erm, i'm not promise but maybe i can hitch or borrow someone car, but since its not sure yet, better i dnt register firsst, huhu~~
  5. waahh.. cham, do that to the enzo la,
  6. this time i think i cant participate also, since i don have a ride to go SS15 that nite.. i had another accident last week, n i dont think my car would ready to drive that time.. so i had to skip this time too, pity, btw gud luck guys..
  7. argh, abg polis dah dapat spec v dah??
  8. @kurz : yerla, isk isk isk.. .. now just a 1-2 step away before going to "impossible-to-complete" region..
  9. eh, ye la, rims also diff!! didnt notice this earlier!!
  10. ^wah, u dunno about this?? arghh, still long way to go to complete this casting!!
  11. @raymond - thanks.. @ckh - no lah, just a small collection only.. got a long way to reach mr sinclair... btw how ur travel?? got many good haul?
  12. warghhhh!!!! a must-get casting!!!
  13. :doh: :doh: :LOL!: :LOL!: :ilovethisplace
  14. jhc7598

    Gee's Garage

    wah.. u really famous one la sifu.. ur custom are great, thats why many ppl admire ur works, and feature ur work everywhere!!
  15. @aBc n danielh : thanks guys.. glad that u like them.. @ sinclair : izzit this blue nissan z that u mention it ealier?? but it came with WHITE tempo, .. another variation apart from SILVER tempo variation??
  16. oic.. cham, xde spare for me ka,
  17. wahh.. awesome collections.. really really nice la,
  18. this one i enjoy watching a few years ago, really funny, haha~~
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