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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice la mr raymond, ops silap, bro raymond..
  2. Wowww.. nice collections ur bro have there.. Great, great..
  3. nice.. got 2 THs some more...
  4. wahh, nice idea.. but where to buy it? i think watson or guardian have it, right? gotta my sisters get it for me laa.. huhu~~
  5. to remove tempo u can use nail polish remover... dip it on a tissue and then wipe it slowly on the area that got tempo that u want to remove... if u can cover the area like the wind screen and the wheels... try on cars that u dont want anymore... test fisrt before doing it on some nice car... owh, like that aa.. will try it... but to buy nail polish remover, .. huhu.. BTW, ya lor, how to use dye technique??
  6. dun care la coz here in tganu, only giant and 7Es are selling HWs, and all of them open at least last 2 years ago.. that i wonder where could it be..
  7. lorr... really really interested in samsung box.. looks like i gonna wait for more time la..
  8. so easy la py got THs.. So jeles, huhu~~
  9. Ganu at which shop@supermarket??
  10. same as me dude..save from 2009 wave... but then... bay very poison.. really² right.. huhu..
  11. WoW!!! nice bro eight.. I'm still dunno how to remove the tempo, ..
  12. i'm just thinking to do one like this.. nice~~
  13. nice... byknyer super street..
  14. see once, ok see twice, still ok.. but after third time, really been poisoned la, huhu~~
  15. huhu~~ gotta need to wait for next gaji la to hunt.. huhu.. BTW i'm safe coz tganu market so slow, so dun have anything to hunt, LoL
  16. although i'm already behind my schedule, but i think we dun have to extend it.. cant wait to see mystery samsung box la,
  17. no need xray, just slaughter it only laa.. haha..
  18. owh, thanks bro kurz.. actually i got only small collection of tomica.. shy to share la.. basic car only.. huhu.. wah, bro hokuan really poisoning me on GT-R.. really need to buy one lor..
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