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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. Hi all.. this time i think I'll post my hauls here in my hauls places.. and like the topic said, I'll post my monthly hauls so that no need to post new topic each time, huhu.. I'm quite lazy taking pictures, so once a month i'll post my hauls here.. So, this is the my little May's Hauls ( not including early May's hauls that i post earlier).. BTW, thanks for looking.. And sorry, this time no story like last time coz this time i put together all my HWs in 2 boxes, so didnt remember which one from mail or journeys.. MAY's HAULS If everyone doesnt know, i collect purple cars.. luckily got those error, actually they had been put side by side, civic codecars, and blue nissan Z.. and at last, black 004 police nissan Z.. and also at last, CS 24-seven.. so hard to find this CS, i think it is easy to find CS evo than this.. my t-hunts.. got both variation of vipers, and 3 variations of mustang.. my reg and supers.. and mysterys.. and loose, .. got most of them at Amcorp.. Spoiler: Is it ok to hide them like this?? my GTRs.. and most of you already know where i got this.. at last, my 2008 shell completed.. love the polizie lambo, and TL r34.. thats all my May's Hauls.. thanks for looking..
  2. wow.. please pm me price of initial D and skyline.. thx..
  3. bro cooolman, i'm surprised myself by kurz at 1st time i met him.. huhu.. huhu.. gud luck in ur sale.. btw nice set u got there.. if only i got space at mmy room, huhu..
  4. wah, another slaughter!!.. sinclair is very dangerous lo, slaughter cars and let ppl eat poisons.. huhu..
  5. as a Terengganu citizens, i hereby says no ultramans or monsters here.. but this is all about corruptions!!!
  6. i saw that 67 camaro sell at Times Square at rm 120!!! darn expensive.. btw gud luck in ur trades..
  7. i hope it's not K-mart special ed..
  8. owh, all members come later la.. i come so early, cant meet up many of u guys.. BTW, manage to swap something for my RM5.90 7-11 VW beetle cup,
  9. oh no, PR5 gold nissan Z!! *faint~~
  10. nice advice bro heytang.. really agree with him.. BTW, i think i'll post my finished and unfinished customs tonite.. but dun laugh, huhu~~
  11. wow.. i been away from this forum for a weeks and a lot things happen.. i think now we should stop this arguing stuff.. and peace.. sorry for disturbing but in my humble opinion, we cant go anywhere if we always say about these things.. peace to all!!
  12. ohhh tidakk.. kena keluar dari thread ni sebelum kene racunn.. arghhh.. dah kene racun da..
  13. u have to drill it slowly at first.. first u must use bigger drill bit then use smaller one...
  14. I have tried to remove the base, but i fail to do so and damaged around 5 cars,damn! 5 cars?? actually how do you try to open the base?? knock it using knife and hammer?? better if u use drill..
  15. jhc7598

    Useful Info

    try la mr sinclair,
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