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Everything posted by smorkle

  1. ahh, thank you sweetie! and i like your avatar...so cutie!!
  2. i wasn't sure about the unicorn but then decided to just get it. i have the other one...the black one, so now they can be together in the garden. yes, i agree...it's similar to the old romantic theme. there can only be so many themes.
  3. Did you get yours??? Make sure your bar looks like this so you get your prize: edit: oh, i take that back... even if you haven't "liked" the game, you still get the free gift! yay us! it's great cuz it's actually worth 666 coins! whoop whoop!!
  4. i will pm them to you both and then you can decide if they are okay to post or not. it's just what it implies that makes it so scandalous...but being a vampire is just scandalous in itself ...is it not?? tee hee hee hee LOL and here's some more.
  5. smorkle

    Happy Tuesday!

    today is now officially wednesday for most of you, but it is still tuesday for me and i just got home from computer class (work related computer class) and my brain is all mush from the boredom! glad to be home now and on psfc!!!
  6. i have one for you babe. will send it over in a sec.
  7. I'm sure you've all seen them by now...but if you haven't.. okay, there were some other ones too but they were a bit on the scandalous side so i'm playing it safe and only posting these
  8. hmmmmm, my kids would be awesome, then I could just save the game and close it down when they start arguing lol that is SOO funny!!! if someone offered to turn you into a vampire, would you do it????
  9. i just rolled out of bed and tried fb...it's working okay for me over here... but with the time difference, maybe they've already fixed it. does it work for you now??
  10. sorry, but unless those items are in the store, which i don't think they are but if they are please correct me and tell me where to find them... i'm only selling cc's not actual items.
  11. all 12x5999 received and silver globe delivered. thanks hannah!!
  12. me too! i think it's so great that they upgraded it to GMBs!! whoop whoop!
  13. welcome back rocio!! i hope you had a relaxing time at your parents house! how nice of your son to take care of your pet while you were gone. is he hooked on PS now too?? tee hee hee.
  14. eek!! congrats on getting back to school! i know it's really hard. book keeping and accountancy? ...sounds hard to me but you are the brain (not just the stick tee hee hee) so i'm sure you'll do great!! have fun doing homework!!! eeek!
  15. WOW!!!! congrats to the winners and to the top PSFC model!!! what an honor to have that title!!! pedja, that was such a wonderful comp! i still love looking back at all the pets entries. they are so creative and fun!!!
  16. it's a beautiful piece laz. you are really talented!
  17. this one right? if yes, then yes 12x5999
  18. Admiral's Jacket is fine. 4x4999 per cc.
  19. oh my...i've been out of it and have forgotten.. smorkle will change her outfit and take a pic tomorrow morning when my brain wakes up.
  20. smorkle

    I'll miss you

    awwww, that's so great! i'm so happy for you that you had a great time with your family also, glad to have you back!!!
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