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Everything posted by inglee

  1. My 3-3-2 Haul.. too nice to buy only 1! Love this green! And some Match Box. Spoiler:
  2. Nice story, u will have better luck finding Thunts overseas like in UK or Australia. I'm sure there are collectors overseas also but they are not as serious (or obsessive) as the ones in Malaysia. I don't know about other people but I know I'm not going to pay RM60 for a toy car that retails at RM6.90, even when I can afford it. If Giant or Tesco knows about this, they might as well tag Thunts at RM60 and the rest RM6.90.. hahaha
  3. nice fire truck! must be the costliest!
  4. Ya.. i go there for work.. so company sponsor my hunt.. kaka.. walk to Myer nearby only.. David Jones sell HW at A$2.95. forget it, boycott them! Other place mostly $2.25 but sometimes may have buy 2 free 1 promo.
  5. P4 I bought a spare one for u guys to swap with but it's not hard to find
  6. Sahama no, from Australia. Cheaper than Malaysia!
  7. P4 and yellow Mustang not hard to find, got like 3 or 4 each on the peg. Got it from Myers. But only one blue Evo.
  8. Some nice long cards this time.. This Ferrari 330 P4 and Corvette are nice castings, detailed shape n tampos, very shiny metallic paint too. Sexy big FTE rims.
  9. Some short cards i found. Nice corvette tampo, and a seldom seen blue Evo.. Close up: more coming up.. upload later ya.
  10. Wah so many K&N..there's a black version out now..
  11. So what can u do if the box didn't come with what it should.. u can return it with a note can't u..
  12. inglee

    2 weeks ago haul

    High quality stuff.. enjoy..!
  13. Thanks funny is that the car can barely fit in the blister pack. It's squeezed in slanted!
  14. Some short cards from a few weeks back. Found a nice metallic green Reventon and a big wheel Corvette look like those for crushing cars hehe.. My lucky birthday haul.. found a super thunt hanging right on the peg! What a lucky find.. the rest look like a new wave too. Long time never hunt..
  15. nice ol skool stuff. keep it safely!
  16. Got any burnt version on the pegs? kekeke
  17. Esprit got newer models. They just keep face lifting and add new engine option. Totallt new model Esprit rumoured to be out in 1-2 yrs time.
  18. Wow.. u hunt really hard.....
  19. Ok thanks, I see it in white all the time, looks quite stylish, haven't seen it in yellow yet, all i see on S'pore pegs are old waves so far.. but again I don't hunt HW much these days..
  20. Thanks for the info buddy.. will pop by Myers later and see what I can get!
  21. Yo is the Ford Mustang Concept yellow or white? Recolor?
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