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Everything posted by msclee

  1. Oh wow....serious? Yapz....very smooth and light as well! Can't resist the quality and to let go as it was Purely Made in USA
  2. Yup...those lambo reventon roadster berlambak everyhwere.... Yapz bro, and the price are $12.99+5% tax. Quite reasonable cheap oso....
  3. yeap....those variation come out damm fast nowdays, maybe they found those HW playaz and collector has increased too!
  4. Lastest hauls at TRU on the friday night before went to nearby entertainment pub outlet for drinks.... Found these Honda civic fire rod and garage bone shaker And finally checkout at the cashier counter And bought this 48 loose car case
  5. msclee

    closed xxxxx

    Bump...bump....the road in malaysia dem potty!! Oh dear
  6. msclee


    wowow....8 feets tall???
  7. reserved 1pc reg GTX for me...
  8. ic..i tot super snake...very nice and that 62 custom chevy dont have surfboardlah... hahaha.....
  9. wooooo..i want super snake... Wowowow....let's us snake snake with them!!!
  10. The forest there is still green at this time Yapz....surrounding area was mostly green!!! Fresh air and breezing cool
  11. msclee

    what did u eat?

    Ais krim....yummy...yummy
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