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Everything posted by msclee

  1. No worry bro, will try to saput all whatever can....but will be a bit extra for shipping okie
  2. Found this Red BS at Walmart during shopping there.... Izzit 3rd colour variation or another Walmart series?
  3. Spoiler: Fuyoh bro....eventually got your blue street show BS!!! Yellow street show BS got it yet?
  4. fuh....damm awesome bro!!! Great collection there! Marvellous
  5. US card or international card? Long card or short card?
  6. Went to another Walmart and found another piece of green EVO X, 13pcs of Blue R-34, 8pcs of Black GTRs, 5pcs of Blue Nissan 370Z, EVO X CS, Walmart White EVO X, Ghostbuster ECTO-1 and latest mainline Red BS!!!! ....Dem, camera battery out ady! Will upload more picture onced battery fully charged
  7. Whooaa....dem low bro, jalanraya di malaysia susah nak dipandu!!!
  8. ayup...some those slick delivery at the peg here, really pokai!!!!
  9. Oh thanks taiko and wish you can come over and hauls together!!! Currently afraid to go those hypermarket store due to financial burden already!!!
  10. yeah....hahaha, maybe inside had leather seat and sofa with LED TV!!!
  11. Wooww....pengsan!!!...congrate bro!
  12. Went to another TRU Store....anyone collects Star Wars, Teminator and Transformer? They are awesome and can get thousand of these collectible items easily at the peg! Terminator Salvation.... Transformer...(sorry guys hand shaking already when saw those things like borong style)
  13. If everybody had an ocean Across the U.S.A. Then everybody'd be surfin' Like californ-I-A You'd see 'em wearin' their baggies Huarachi sandals, too A bushy bushy blonde hairdo Surfin' U.S.A. WOwow....thanks for the lyrics bro
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