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Everything posted by msclee

  1. msclee

    2 weeks ago haul

    Wowow....congrate bro, awesome hauls
  2. Thanks. A piece of your haul will RM9.50, still ok. Find your DB there? Eemmm bro, nola....the best to get the DB still at US. Oh yes brader, got open house ka? Wanna visit you and your family for raya and of course....your powerful collection oso.
  3. wow..dasat betuk!!!! Thailand bangkok sini semua old wave belaka....but got many 10paks car with copper EVO X and Black Amazoom. Price RM95 per box!!!! All hotwheels here are damm mahal giler....anyway congrate bro
  4. Taukeh insurance mana boleh koyak Oh walao....CKH is insurance boss?....wow, hothweels car can buy insurance or not?
  5. oh wowow....new wave out oredi lioa!!!! congrate bro....hebat!!!
  6. opps...isk...isk, salah parking!!!
  7. The difference is....1 with motorbike and the other with nice tampo.
  8. Yep....nice shift kickers in variety of colours and tampos. Marbeles...
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