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Everything posted by msclee

  1. Oh...hahahaha, that mystery car nola bro....saw that what car inside lioa.
  2. Congrate bro....wish my luck can hauls that short card greenies here soon
  3. Hahaha....thanks bro, I believe you can visit it one day. But nowday visiting USA are very troublesome due to security check. If you had relative or house in US, it will be easier for you to enter. Everything want security....like social security which is same as Malaysia EPF.
  4. Yes bro....agreed with you if those items are not that kinda worth much or expensives. My last week order for the USPS boxes should be arrive anytime now. Hope it can reach here by today before going to canada this week
  5. Shipping for 10 garage series carded with priority are between $28 - $35
  6. Fuyooooh bang, sedapnyer tu lobster dan pokok pokok tu....come over and we hauls together la bro. We combined hauling here with you together sure can open 10 hotwheels outlet at whole malaysia
  7. Wowow....oh yes, the car was really awesome!!!
  8. Yapz....easily can score up to 30pcs of mainline, 20pcs of garage series, 2 box of 10paks, 5 pcs of Jada brand, 5 pcs of Johnylighting, Matchbox, Monster jam, action figurine and many more at anytime. Will request my taikor sahama to provide financial assistant already!
  9. Haha.. thanks for the tip. Later scared credit card reach the limit, bank call hahah. Anyway, since you're in the USA, are you going to provide service to help buy some rarer Hot Wheels wave that cannot find in Malaysia? xD Yep...sure no problem. But you gotta get more buyer to join shipping fees as am not going to carry it back since my luggage was cramp with more than 120pcs of those cars
  10. Kroger and Walgreens also. Grab some keychains and 2010 cards. Did you smell any garage VW T1 Drag Bus? Grab plenty of the latest 2011 wave cards and some with keychain and webcode. Still openning my nose hole big and wide.....hope to smell those garage buses soon! Got advice from my bro mat salleh kawan, if wanna grab Convoy or Buses or Truck...go Groceries shop or Pharmacy outlet. Hypermarket like TRU, Walmart, Kmart hopeless...unless god bless you!
  11. Yup....some of the JH Chia powerful collection still me at US. Will pass to him onced returned KL.
  12. Bang sahama brader, your future power hauls has appear!!! maybe your student ka?
  13. Welkam brader! you hauls domestic market, I hauls US market....wakaka wakaka
  14. Thanks bro....have bullet will travel.
  15. Wakaka...haiyo brota. Gua kena hauls dekat amerika sini kerana kat kampung tiada chance haul lo:P . Semua kena hauls habis by you .....wakaka wakaka So you sana kat JB dapat apa new wave? Kereta 2011 ada ka? sini sudah keluar kat peg lo
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