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Everything posted by msclee

  1. Wow....marbeles bro....get ROAK a white LJ from enyomic....thanks a lot bro. Please remember bring extra cars for trade and sales.
  2. Wow .....great work Danielh bro, awesome....
  3. msclee

    fendy garage....

    Wowow.......great collections!!! especially a lot dump into the basket
  4. dude u never heard of cloning ka.. shakz is hardcorest mah.. got a few clone to help scalping.. one put in sarawak, one in s'pore... but dont kecoh2 ok.. secret this one.. Hassa it supposed to be a our little secret... now every1 knows abt it ... planing to clone another few more to be placed at Johor, Brunei ,and Ozzie... Walao weiii..........me oso want to clone myself la...how ah? Any secret receipe?
  5. Wow.....glad to hear that and hope those spicy delicacy suite your taste too.....welcome mate!
  6. walao wei......big wheelies mooneyes.......oh blimey....marbeles
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