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Everything posted by msclee

  1. [quote="sahama"] You lagi dasyat tapi you dah cakap enjoy this pic DB/DT Oh wowowow MARVELLOUS.......Internet Bus 3 and Disney Truck ..........my MAN.....SHE MAN TOO!!!!! CONGRATE my big BRO
  2. Awesome police BS...........marvellous
  3. Wow.....very dahsyat and going dewa now...hahahahaha
  4. look awesome with parking on top mirror!!!!!!!
  5. very nice and neatly done!!!!
  6. Happy birthday dan selamat hari jadi matbear and kurz!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Wowow.....awesome bro!!!! must be very difficult and tough job bro
  8. Yessssssssssssssssssss
  9. How about we ask DR brota to get mattel approval so that we all HWCM member can buy it as valueable assets.
  10. they looks handsome and ada gaya too!!!
  11. fuyoh.....congrate bro!!! dasat betuk...hebat!
  12. Wow....count me in and PM me the total cost include shipping to KL.
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