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Everything posted by msclee

  1. wowow......oh blimey, awesome bro!!! marbeles job....well done dude!!!
  2. Wow......great topics and agreed most of it too. Cheers everyone.....enjoy!
  3. hahaha....yeah, custom 1:1 supercar as birthday present
  4. Wow....sahama and CKH.....faster faster go grab it before these marbeles car go across the sea lor!!!!
  5. My lord......awesome.....***fainted
  6. Hahaha....your wife ka? wow....she simply amazing bro....dem marbeles lady
  7. dasat betuk.....roda jadi terbalik pulak
  8. happie birthday bro......dan rajin belajar selalu
  9. dasat betuk.....sekarang mata gua dah pusing pusing
  10. Wowow.....got thunt from 7e.....marbeles bro....congrate brader!!!
  11. wowow.....tumbler gang!!! awesome bro
  12. Happie birthday bro.....cheers!!!
  13. wowowow.....great hauls bro....congrate!!!
  14. Oh wowowow........old 5.5 look awesome!!!!
  15. Wowow......very nice all of it!!! marbeles
  16. Oh wow.....great hauls bro...never before seen so much orange BS in C4....think it will lambak as the blue BS soon. Congrate bro....
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