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Everything posted by msclee

  1. Germany vs Spain are shure very explovises. Tomolo shure guarantee got member and people on working MC leave....hahahaha
  2. haha, in HWCM, all the customizer here are sifu. we learned from each other, don't we? Oh yes.....and I believed in you as you got the talent and maybe our DR brader may arrange some meeting with US team? Shake hand with phil hope won't make you pengsan rite bro......hahahaha if i have the chance, i'll be Yup....and I'll tumpang your car to meet them if got chance....hahahaha
  3. haha, in HWCM, all the customizer here are sifu. we learned from each other, don't we? Oh yes.....and I believed in you as you got the talent and maybe our DR brader may arrange some meeting with US team? Some tight hand shake with phil won't make you pengsan rite bro ......hahahaha
  4. wow....kumbang putih...cepat cepat ambik nombor 1205 beli 4D!!!!
  5. ahahhaa.. drag truck minat bro.. tapi bukan untuk saya.. dah dapat owner baru pun.. eemm.....are you talking about me??? wahhh..you're the new ownerke? hahhaa..later can post your new haul ya... wakakaka....VW truck and buses are mostly for my own collection. Will try to post later onced everything settle down. Thanks RG bro...
  6. ahahhaa.. drag truck minat bro.. tapi bukan untuk saya.. dah dapat owner baru pun.. eemm.....are you talking about me???
  7. msclee


    Wa...this open top green kumbang can pop up ka? very nice green decal too
  8. Thank you RG...always mimpi you as N.Nasir pulak!!!!
  9. Oh yes...uphill and belok kiri just around the corner
  10. wow....congrats on your great haul...next time we haul petronas station sekali gus!!!
  11. Update where? Ada lagi ka? ..... walao, baru sapu 3 truck saje dan masih lagi ada truck baru? gaji this month habis...huhuhuhuhu
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