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Everything posted by msclee

  1. Belum lagi.I know you are power hauler especially DB and many more. I'm ciput only. wakakaka.....don't be like that brader, we all sama rata....1malaysian
  2. And here is my green monster super street......
  3. Yup....aredi inform him to sign all his recent hauls from petronas station as well
  4. Oh...JonImai heard you are gonna swap place with phil to come down ka? Remember to put your signature at all those marvellous hauls k!!!!
  5. msclee


    Wowowow......the tire change at walmart or kmart ah?
  6. Thanks for looking bro! But i think the HW DB r for more better than this Kyosho VW samba van! DB more heavy & solid! But i like both of it!! Yup...me too
  7. Yup, we aredi had this webpage.....thanks for sharing too
  8. Oh....Saleen....great horsepower!!! I got 2 pieces and like it too
  9. Oh...izzit near to sunway kelana hotel?
  10. No worry....we got GPS to locate you anywhere....hahahahaha
  11. hmm guess u can start one la bro.. i think u vely sesuai... j.k..j.k... hahahaha....will need a pretty indian girl assistance lioa
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