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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. smadli07

    My 7-E homework

    superb... congrats...
  2. smadli07

    Vietnam Hauls

    error on SM... nice.. very nice...
  3. fainted... sure will visit ur booth.. tp tatau bila... but surely kena bwk duit berbakul2... hhahaha...
  4. question : where to go to read the unread posts since last visit??? thanks...
  5. smadli07

    May Hauls...:P

    great catch shek79...
  6. fuh!! lawo2... love that hiway hauler...
  7. @py - thanks but the house scale is little bit out... @zakuan - tq bro... @ADved - tima kaseh... mcm sy kata la, biasa2 ja... @widspirit - really?? if i knew it, i will borong suma ecto-1 at giants... @ckh - thanks man... glad u like it... @sinclair - thanks sinclair... @danielh - tq... one day i will let all loose...
  8. humang aih!! really2 superb stuff la... congrats..
  9. looks more like splat blood to me... change ur concept hokuan... hehhehe.. anyway superb job bro....
  10. and the ecto-1 already parked at my mini house... heheheh...
  11. bought from mr. pydrummerboy... thanks py
  12. @sinclair - thanks... @rikmun - duit ngam2 ja to buy 3... last time i check out the ecto gone already... frust... @kukubeh - ini betol2... these are biasa2 ja compared to u guys... thanks anyway... @musclemania - haha.... thanks man... kat Giants daa... they are restocking that time, i just want to ease their 'burden'... @rayz - pm my son
  13. @rgsukan - hehe.. takdak la ganaz sgt.. sbb tgh panas ja... @hokuan - thanks hokuan... @aphong - thanks... funny 7e staff said to me 'tayar tu xdak cat bang, buat apa nak ambik??'... haihh... @ckh - giants promo ma... @skelzie - jom balik... @sahama - xdak la sgt tuan... .. dh ada kita ambik la... @@jhc - thanks man.. @yao - yes.. thats pronto..
  14. didnt realize can open the hood.. nice merc' pydrumerboy...
  15. and these are my recent hauls... maybe my lucky day.. buy 3 free 1... free sy ambik camaro... end of april... enjoy viewing...
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