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What are your plans for Halloween?

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Hahaha, I know, it's still "far" away, but even in PS they are counting down towards Halloween!!!

I have been too, because it's one of my favorite holidays to be honest!
We have decorated the house already, but unfortunately we don't celebrate Halloween as elaborated as others. We don't get kids around the house that are trick or treating (unfortunately) but Mom and I are big fans of Halloween. A friend and I went trick or treating years (and many years I mean) ago, but no one wanted to 'play along', which is a shame. Now we finally have nightly searches and such. But it's still not that big.

So, not only we decorated here, but I have looked up a lot of recipes for Halloween treats to bake for ourselves. And that's probably how I'll spend the day: in the kitchen, making desserts :-D

So. How are you going to spend your Halloween?

PS: you can see Snorks is also a big fan of Halloween :-)

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we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lucky Strike wrote:
we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah me too its such a pity we dont celebrate i d go crazy every october

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Lucky Strike wrote:
we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here, but we have PS congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

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Lucky Strike wrote:
we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here... Laughing
Just hoping my school will be creative for celebrating a halloween

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heheheheheheh............same in my country...........i wish we calebrate it..............i love Halloweeen........

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I'm glad we can all celebrate it in PS!!

And indeed, Hannah, that is a really good reason to celebrate (your birthday)
I bet you are looking forward to it!

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Lucky Strike wrote:
we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me too.............thats sad wish we could celebrate too

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esperia wrote:
Lucky Strike wrote:
we don't celebrate halloween in my country so whatever i do i'll do it in ps!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me too.............thats sad wish we could celebrate too

im crying too

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Halloween is one of our Favorite Holidays to celebrate!!!!
We always decorate our house, my husband & I are big kids this time of the year!!! We put our firepit out in the driveway to keep us warm while we are passing out candy to the kids & hotdogs/hamburgers/beer/soda to the parents. We also get my mother in-laws tractor & hook up our trailer full of hay & take our kids/family/friends on a hayride through our subdivsion. Here are a few pics of our decorations (at night we have the fog machine & spooky music on)

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esperia wrote:
omg dawn so nice decorated wish i were there

Thanks these were pics from a couple years ago we haven't started decorating yet. We used to decorate on Oct 1st but last year a big wind storm came & blew away most of our decorations. So now we wait til the week before. Wish you could come celebrate with us also

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Dawn that is awesome!!!! I looove it!
Wish I could celebrate Halloween once where it's very common to be celebrated!!!

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it's so pretty! I wish I was in USA a Halloween to celebrate also! we have a similar one but the spirit it's different!

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In my country we don't celebrate it.
I love candy And I love Halloween. But my mum always buys me and my brother a lot candy for 31 October.

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Well, it seems this year I will be celebrating Halloween in some kind of way.
Sister just emailed me to ask if I wanted to go along with her to an amusement park. They are having a special Halloween event, which means the park is open until really late! Really looking forward to that!

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I celebrated Halloween when I was a kid and when my sons were kids, but now, we dont do anything
Now my sons go to teenagers custom parties
In my country we have a spetial celebration called "Dia de Muertos" which is in november 1st and 2nd, its a national holiday
If you want to see a decoration of a "Dia d Muertos" you can visit falcors house (Angel), falcor made an "altar de muertos" in his first room

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Every year I have a Halloween-themed dinner party with some friends. We cook some dishes related to Halloween and we dress up LOL
This we'll be the 1st year we are going to dress uo SERIOUSLY, I mean, we are all looking for real costumes, since we finished our home-made ideas Laughing

About this... Does anyone know a website (maybe in the UK) that sell costumes online? I've tried to look for them on Ebay but I haven0t found what I was looking for... If anyone knows something, please PM me!

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Sounds awesome everyone!

Rocio, do you do anything special for Dia de Muertos?

Chiaretta, I've sent you a PM :-)

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Toulouse wrote:
Rocio, do you do anything special for Dia de Muertos?

People here make "altars"(dont know how to say it in english) with flowers, food and candles remembering relatives who passed away,they put their pictures, I dont do that, I just like to eat the spetial dishes like "mucbipollo" which is like a salty cake with chicken and corn

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Sounds great Rocio, it is good to remember the relatives that passed away, we do that on 1st and 2nd of November and it's called "All hallow's eve". A lot of people go to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves of their beloved ones that passed away. That is the only thing we do then.

Any ideas on your costume Gaiamaiden?

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And I was planning to watch a Horror Movie. I made a list and I will watch one I didn't watch. I'm so curious to see what is happening.

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Good idea Tromo, if you want, you can share your list with people who are still looking for horror movies to watch that day?

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Toulouse wrote:
Good idea Tromo, if you want, you can share your list with people who are still looking for horror movies to watch that day?

I watched Sixth Sence and Mummy I think about three years ago (I didn't know they're Genre is Horror until Yesterday). And I want to watch all of these(ONe of these will be for Halloween):
The Ring
The Ring 2
The Grudge
The uninvited
The Mummy 2
The Mummy 3

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I recommend the original Night of the Living Dead (1968) for people who haven't seen it. I found it creepier than more modern zombie movies but maybe that's just me. Laughing

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We always watch Hocus Pocus. This year we are going to my husband's cousin's family and spending Halloween there. It should be fun, I will get to go with the kiddies while they do trick or treating. congratulations

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Halloween's my 2nd favorite holliday (second only to Christmas).
As a kid we always decorated out house, made a jack-o-lantern, and went trick-or-treating.
Then when I was in hight school I also had "Halloween Dance".
As a grown up I ALWAYS got dressed up in a costume for Halloween.
I would even take the Bus and Subway in my costume - I have no shame!

Now that I am a mom I LOVE to do all thoes things with my daughter.
It also gives me an excuse to go overboard with it all!!!!

So this year we will be doing the same things as we did last year... here are some pictures!

Last year we went to a farm to pick a pumpkin and make a jack-o-lantern to put in our condo window (we can't decorate other than that)

So we went again this year but at a different farm where my daughter had lot's more stuff to do!
I haven't made the jack-o-lantern yet as it is too early and it would be rotten before the 31st.

Last year we went to a "baby's 1st Halloween Party" with the mom's group that I was running at the time.
I made the cupcakes in the picture. I love to bake for Halloween.
This year a mommy friend is hosting one at her house on the 29th.
I can't wait! I have our costumes already!

And, of course, we will go trick-or-treating.
Our development is fairly new with families who mostly have kids under the age of 2.
Most parents think it's too ealry to for them to celebrate Halloween.
And allot of them are from countries where they don't celebrate - so sad.
So we went to another part of town for our trick-or-treat run.
We will do the same this year.

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I was plannig to watch : It is a wonderful afterlife. But I couldn't wait for Halloween so Will watch it before Halloween

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Going to a party at some dear friends' house and just having a good ole time is my plan for Halloween Smile

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I watched The ring today. And I didn't notice any Horror movie parts. The only thing that scared me (more that made me sick) Was one part of that video.. And I chose to watch The Grudge for Halloween.

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