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CHAH's kecil kecilan haul - 05.08.2009

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from dreamer_adrian (thanks, dude).....

from shakz (million thanks for the gift)......

from Toy's R Us.....

from 7 Eleven......


hehe....haulin' kecil kecilan ajer........ tonguetongue

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kecilan pon ade civic.......... nak civic...

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kecil-kecilan...apalah bro.... That tak kecilpun! Really great haul lah!
Nice stuff u got there from D.A! and Nissan Z...Still hunting fot that! clap

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YU5H wrote:
rape the Z...

huhu.....jgn lar paksa saya, bang....saya insan yg lemah.......SadSad

chee keng hong wrote:
Waiting.................... idea

haha...tunggu lah...... Razz

MarieJuliette wrote:
Congrats on the new stuff!!

thanks, soccer mom..... Razz

cawan wrote:
kecik2 cili padi.. hot n spicy!

huhu....mmg pedas......sbb tak jumper ijau..... Sad

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RGSUKAN wrote:
hahaha..ini olang suda botol botol kena rachun..... Twisted Evil

racun paraquat.....menyebabkan aku jadi tak kuat...... sweat

Adrian wrote:
Wah..nice haul..
The hotwheels team and 612 was nice.. thumbsup

thanks, bro...appreciate your support......

xebec-Crash wrote:
the hotwheel teams so awesome...

thanks....but have to slaugther one for my son who begs me to
slaughter the "motor biru" thunt BB....huhu..mana boleh......... mad1

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ur son begs.. ehhh............... wait till leleh air mata then baru bagi.. hahaha or wait for those cute puppies eye!..

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YU5H wrote:
wait till leleh air mata then baru bagi.. hahaha

kalau bagi thunt.....pas tu ayah dia plak mengalir air mata darah.....hahahah.... cry

sinclair wrote:
Great hauls, bro!

thanks, bro......your racun amongst the strongest...... wub

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How come ur child macam merajuk je tu? Daddy tak bagi motor biru ke? Razz

Nice haul bro. Like the Nissan Z so much!

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Your son nak main that motor biru? okay i'll rape one and pass it to you this friday for free, provided it's for HIM. If abang undercover dapat tahu ayah tak bagi dia pulak main sendiri nanti undercover cubit dia.

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Raymond wrote:
Great haul bro!!

thanks for your support......

YU5H wrote:
have to buy xtra... hahaha

mmg slalu kena beli xtra same model for him......... Crying or Very sad

aphong2681 wrote:
Daddy tak bagi motor biru ke? Razz

haha....daddy can give....but after that, daddy no appetite to eat..... Embarassed

undercoverbrother wrote:
okay i'll rape one and pass it to you this friday for free, provided it's for HIM.

takyah lar rape.....carded.....I'll promise I'll pass it to him....... whistlingwhistlingTwisted EvilTwisted Evil


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undercoverbrother wrote:
Your son nak main that motor biru? okay i'll rape one and pass it to you this friday for free, provided it's for HIM. If abang undercover dapat tahu ayah tak bagi dia pulak main sendiri nanti undercover cubit dia.

hahaha, what nice person you're undercover bro...

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hahaha ko jangan tak bagi pulak chah..aku cover undercover kalo ko tak bagi...aku bukan cubitje..aku amek mototu balik..hahha Twisted Evil

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tulun tulun.....jgn cubit aaaiiii......sakit dong mas.........

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dah agak dah
if u say kecil2an sure not kecil at all..lol Razz

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for sure this are not kecil²an hauls.. nice catch..

undercoverbrother wrote:
If abang undercover dapat tahu ayah tak bagi dia pulak main
sendiri nanti undercover cubit dia.

RGSUKAN wrote:
hahaha ko jangan tak bagi pulak chah..aku cover
undercover kalo ko tak bagi...aku bukan cubitje..aku amek mototu
balik..hahha Twisted Evil

LoL.. cubit cubitan, senggol senggolan.. :LOL!:

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jhc7598 wrote:
for sure this are not kecil²an hauls.. nice catch..

undercoverbrother wrote:
If abang undercover dapat tahu ayah tak bagi dia pulak main
sendiri nanti undercover cubit dia.

RGSUKAN wrote:
hahaha ko jangan tak bagi pulak chah..aku cover
undercover kalo ko tak bagi...aku bukan cubitje..aku amek mototu
balik..hahha Twisted Evil

LoL.. cubit cubitan, senggol senggolan.. :LOL!:

aiseh dangduuuuuut...........

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