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MIA is bck in action again..lulz...

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kukubeh-Thx. u oso good mar
py-only for the recent one. miss few waves already. no grabbing any lambo. so far only got one green. sigh! but nevertheless, i'm grateful with wat i have now.
san-is coming... i can sense it

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wow again, all new wave hw...nice haul with congrate to ur green haul too....

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nice haul sis!!!!!! busy also can get so many nice stuff, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats, great hauls!

Are you sure only 1 green? I see TH 34 Ford and TH 65 Mustang.

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Great haul Wacko.... Heheh I see 2 DD's and also 2 TH 65 Mustang and 34 Ford... no wonder laa Solaris and BSC alwayz dry now.... some1 quietly been sapuing.....

Congrats ....

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woooowwww...DD ....I stilllll cant find it......I want DD can ? anyway, Great Haul, u back

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arghhhhhhhhhh,..... got haul DD some more.. Where the hell la to get a DD.. I need to one la at least...

anyway.. nice haul there dude...

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congrat wacko...one shot got both green and yellow DD..great find

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thx all!

sinclair - er.. the green that i mean is the green lambo
shakz - BSC bukan saya, bro
rgsukan - bukan one shot but dua kali. Yellow DD set is recent one.

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