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RGSUKAN balik kampung haul..till 17 DEC 2009

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last week was a busiest week for me..went to balik kampung for an occasion..it is kenduri kawin..hehee..while people makan makan kenduri kawin..i kenduri hot wheels..hehe

suprisingly i saw this on peg at petrol station here..really unbelievable..

managed to buy this..that ramp truck really heavy wooo...look like back slider thou..

C4 batu pahat look like a dead place for hot wheels..but managed to get ONLY this..very very very lucky that day..kenyang makan , kenyang membeli jugak...


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yupp..zaman dinosour..mix with mustang wave but no thunt, this year 2000 cards consider thunt kot, replacement maybe..hehehe

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nothing much..saw ford gt concept, el camino..cocoa crunch car. kepala keretapi..and else i dont remember..

this is Esso petrol pump..not petronas yaaaa....

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expected... i heard esso petrol pump sells these too

ah... i wan the ford gt concept !

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cham2020 wrote:
expected... i heard esso petrol pump sells these too

ah... i wan the ford gt concept !

Ade Ford GT Concept?

@RG, great haul! Surely there must be more than 4 nice year 2000 cars hanging there?

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hmm..i think got that ford gt concept..above pic, yellow colour..if im not mistaken..i'll ask somebody to check it out later..

sinclair - mostly classic cars..i think got more nice cars there only my wallet is not nice that time

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xebec-Crash wrote:
greal haul RG...still hunger for new wave here...

thanks xebex..no worries bro..soon im sure it will hit your shore, like usual you will tapau all..sabarjela ya...hehehe

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chee keng hong wrote:
Wah!! Congrats on the Classic Packard!!! Nice haul!!

terima kasih abang CKH..

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the 1st ever ramp truck i had kurz..
i like it most coz its really heavy..

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wah nice one RG. i bet found the old school car feel like found TH also.

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kukubeh wrote:
wah nice one RG. i bet found the old school car feel like found TH also.

yupp..you bet my friends...1st saw ramp truck on peg...like what the h**l...just grab it without any Q..but i dont have any ideas how they distributed this wave, i got 2 yellow DDs too = mustang wave..

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wacko_joy wrote:
Cantek! Is it the same price as normal HW?

thanks wacko_joy...its priced at RM5.90, quite cheaplaa..

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pydrumerboy wrote:
Nice haul RG....Nice POS too....

thanks Py...hehe, the POS i learnt from you laaa master...lulus aahh?

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pydrumerboy wrote:
B+ - kekeke

B+ pun oklah..will do more homework after this..snap here snap there to get the A++

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rikmun wrote:
woahh!!old is gold!

agreed , old is gold..just look at that decal or tampos..i really admire it rikmun,soooo nice..

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Wah,great haulthere. Congrats...like this I also want to balik kampung every week for kenduri kahwin...he..he..Yeah, during my bvalik kampung last week, most 7Es have a lot of old cards on the peg. Is it Mattel new sales strategy.

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alfagta & adrian - thanks bro..for this new year and new wave, i hope to complete 2010 thunt, if im not dreaminglah...hehehe

speeddemonz - yeah, go balik kampungla bro..got very unexpected stock there, some mixed old and new wave...

mushroom - ramp truck so hard to find these day, unless ebay..very lucky i got it on peg..

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