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Price increase.

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Today went out to departmental stores in Pyramid. Guess how much a basic car cost now? RM6.90!!! Then veered off to CARS section RM31.90!! They definitely paid money to get the toys pass local toy safety checks. As i searched around the last month economic news there is only oil price increase, but not other raw materials. Even then the increase is so little. And the prices does not reflect what it was RM4.90 few years ago when oil isn't that high.

So last time someones posted a C4 price tag of RM7.90 for basic car. I sure trust that is RRP for this year. even if they tagged it wrongly.

I can only say that RM4.50 from 7 E promo is to quickly shift goods fast prior to getting the toys verified. After verified RM6.90. Dunno la wanna continue or not. I think getting bulk from Ebay more cheap la like that.

So sugar rise 20 cent, toys rise 40 cent. Going to rise this year is TOLL and PETROL. No need to say i smart azz to speculate, the news already hinted.

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RGSUKAN wrote:
hahaha...cham, how ah? our plan? price increased ady...

tak jadi kahwin la camni Laughing

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ADVedder wrote:
LOL.. ye ke naik 40 sen u wanna stop collecting?

who said stop collecting? still collectla but not kahwinlaa...hahhaha

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cham2020 wrote:
ADVedder wrote:
kau bukan dah kawin ker?

islam boleh kahwin 4 !

hahaha..pandai cham...

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By the way anybody know the real reason for price increase? Just wanna steer our attention elsewhere. Smile

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dunno, i also confuse just because sugar naik, everything want to naik? come on la.. if petrol hike last time i can understand, but sugar? come on man.....

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See no one knows why it is increased right? Certification brother. USFDA cert is not valid in Malaysia. hahahaha. Only SIRIM can. Its a tikam tikam method for me. If right good. If wrong, castrate me. hahahaha. But if you want a breakdown,

- Certification payments (yearly)
- Oil (manufacturing?)
- Metal (through supplier for manufacturing?)
- Future assumption (Before 2010 all cars on NOV & DEC are sold very low [see certification], get it back now 2010)
- Staff demands (Pay increase through increased price)
- Currency

Pity those who collect CARS. Just last month can buy for RM16.90 and RM19.90. And should revert to RM24.90 after promo right? Ooooooooo..... here comes a whammer! RM31.90. When the new color shifters came it is a shocking RM39.90. Its closer to action figure price already. Should have known the price was going to be this high when 24.90 to 31.90 to 39.90. Same range like HW increase.

Whatever the case, i'm sure selective buying and hogging will be even worse now. Everybody buys ECTO 1 and nothing else. hahaha.

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not to rain on your parade netmatrix but the price 'adjustment' is not due to SIRIM. or any certification of that sort.

The reason is much simpler but i am unable to share more at this time.

sorry guys Sad

i will continue trying my best

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RGSUKAN wrote:
nvm, if got any info please give an update ya desmond..

the reason will surely make many people who can't think of the bigger picture to mengamuk. but those who consider business point of view will agree with the decision.

so the reason will be revealed in time.

i quote guyyy 'every year cigarette price go up. ppl still smoke. so what if hot wheels price goes up? collector still collect!'

jus maybe scalper stop 'collect la' cuz their cost price increase jocolor

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I tell you guys the secret la..


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Quote :
u guys always go to McD rite?
ever notice all the prices end with .90 or .99?
wonder why?

McD charges 5% gov service tax. They already calculated you won't pay for any food without [ * ] after the price.

And you mean't to say a RM6.50 to RM6.90 is a 40 cent 5% gov tax? Or 5% bouncer fee like USB said? Or 5% "boss mau beli Felali 458 price? Impossible just to increase price just to say increase price. So simple? No strings attached?

But to everyone, dun la go and bomb churches just because HW price increase. hahaha. Ken and Barbie also affacted by price increase. Or not how are they gonna pay royalties to get licensing for movie character deals? hahaha.

I know its nonsense. But c'mon..... at least a better reason than "Just like that".

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netmatrix wrote:
And you mean't to say a RM6.50 to RM6.90 is a 40 cent 5% gov tax? Or 5% bouncer fee like USB said? Or 5% "boss mau beli Felali 458 price? Impossible just to increase price just to say increase price. So simple? No strings attached?

USB.. hmm. At least not ASB (amanah saham bumiputra).

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Anyway to be realistic, yeah price increase is not a cool thing. To say i'm okay with it, in Marsellus Wallace's voice, "I'm pretty f'in far from okay".

I'll just hope this is something unavoidable that Mattel had to do this as last resort. Would wait for what demonicle got to share. But certainly not the end of the world for me. The worst thing one could do is just narrow down their type collection (but i'm pretty sure most here don't really go for near-complete mainlines at first place). Definitely there's still lotsa stuff coming out that playaz couldn't pass on just because of the extra 40 sen. But even if it's over, there's still plenty non-mainline releases out there to make up for our collection, although we might have to work harder to find them. And Mattel does pay closer attention to us collectors now, so i believe this year we won't be that disappointed other than the price thing.

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Well even with the words of encouragement, many would narrow down they wants to needs already. So if one wants lets say an ECTO 1, it would be a ransom situation. Hope that car would be available easily unlike the last Batmobile.

Well still waiting the simple explanation. Since my mind is deemed too controversial and too deep thought to narrow it down to 2 cent solution. Hehehehe.

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netmatrix wrote:
Well even with the words of encouragement, many would narrow down they wants to needs already. So if one wants lets say an ECTO 1, it would be a ransom situation. Hope that car would be available easily unlike the last Batmobile.

Well still waiting the simple explanation. Since my mind is deemed too controversial and too deep thought to narrow it down to 2 cent solution. Hehehehe.


ok. heres the solution for u.

from a business point of view. rm6.50 and rm6.90 is not big a difference.
psychologically it still presents itself to the consumer as less than rm7.
when ppl wanna buy HW, they say its rm6something.
so capitalising on this why don't we just make it the HIGHEST rm6"something"
get what i mean?

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I get what you mean the less than RM7 price range. But mind you if they can use this once, they can use it twice. Next time RM7.90. Saaayyyyy.... didn't i mention someone posted a wrong basic car price banner from C4. hehehehe.

But if that IS the case, then its like you are made to pay maintenance fees for non existent maintenance, you still pay because you want your parking lot kind of logic. Makes no sense right?

Oh whatever then. And i thought i was screaming "The sky is falling x2" and then batted down like The Boy Who cried Wolf.

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That fte batmobile is one hard f'er to find cause not only it's shortpacked thunt like, the whole gmc case itself mattel factory felt we malaysians don't deserve lots of it lol. So whichever very few stores out there happen to receive this batch playaz who came across it definitely had field day with it.

The same batmobile, first edition on the other hand, used to be like one of longest pegwarmers throughout that year thanks to this thing coming out again and again, all in different waves too. That time even if gang of hoarders from all corners did pau 20 pcs each, anyone else who didn't see at least 5 pcs of it, something is wrong with him. So logically a first edition beats re-release (who cares it's fte) anytime, but as i said it's all about how they choose to assort their cars and what we get here. So again, knowing ecto is one of anticipated cars here let us just hope our stores receive good numbers of it so all of us happy.

Do note some already stated openly their desire to buy 10 of the ectos if they could for the sake of customs, so even if there's no more scalpers around there's a chance we might get disappointed still while few gets lucky, but the way this simple community works, we can't regulate but do encourage playaz to be awesome to each other. But to assume our luck still dependent on these 'lucky' playaz, let me just assure as long as you playaz rajin enough to get yourselves updated and do your part, finding on your own shouldn't be that much a prob. Wink

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Then i should ask bomoh to do a hex like touch the Ecto and you are haunted by ghost. hahaha.

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demonicle wrote:

ok. heres the solution for u.

from a business point of view. rm6.50 and rm6.90 is not big a difference.
psychologically it still presents itself to the consumer as less than rm7.
when ppl wanna buy HW, they say its rm6something.
so capitalising on this why don't we just make it the HIGHEST rm6"something"
get what i mean?

Psychologically, mattel caught us on that part.. but psychologically, any kind of price increase within short time people definitely not gonna be happy bout it not just because of that 40 sen but what will happen next, will it keep increasing and increasing? If playaz get demotivated for this reason i truly understand them, not playaz who complain for the sake of complaining. Can't say i'm cool with price increase too. Anyway not to keep harping on this, like i said as long as Mattel acknowledges collectors support and do whatever they could to make up for this price increase thingy ucb won't be leaving this anytime soon, plus the fun we get from all this hotwheels and getting to know more hotwheels homies everyday. And from impression i get, this year gonna be good year still.

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if they increase price to rm6.90...
not so psychologically shock since same price at kuching last time...
guess pricing at kuching will be around 7 something...

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zint3000 wrote:
if they increase price to rm6.90...
not so psychologically shock since same price at kuching last time...
guess pricing at kuching will be around 7 something...

looks like price in kuching are slightly higher than here.

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danielh wrote:
zint3000 wrote:
if they increase price to rm6.90...
not so psychologically shock since same price at kuching last time...
guess pricing at kuching will be around 7 something...

looks like price in kuching are slightly higher than here.

i think not jus hotwheels...others stuff like news paper..cars...etc..etc...mostly a bit higher there!!

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How much does Sabah & Sarawak pay for HW? Anyway just found out US currency growing lower. And...... he he he

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Last time the price is at rm6.90...
hmm yeap...
agree with u CKH~
pricing for those pun a bit mahal...
lucky now im at peninsular already...
if not No

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RM6.90, I can't stand this.

We kept quiet at RM5.90, and now its RM6.90..

This is just stupid man~

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Well nothing more to say also from me. What to do? Sheriff of Sherwood wants more taxes from us.

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i went to tesco mutiara damansara the price is rm6.50

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So Tesco is selling at RM6.90. Hypermarkets must always sell lower than dept stores. Usual la. and to think they can hold the RM5.90 pricing. hahaha.

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