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CNY Valentine small haul (14.02.2010)

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First visit to a TRU. The rack looked pretty depressing, lots of empty hooks, different series all mixed up and many cards just thrown into 2 BODs. But surprised to see that they restock series 3 HW Classics which is kinda weird. Found some nice cards in the series, especially the Bone Shaker! What a difference to find these things on the rack instead of from the post box.

Didn't grab many. Glad to have found the orange lambo at last.

Some other haul, grab some before all gone for good.


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OMG... lovely bone shaker.. care to sent some back to malaysia???

hehehe.. nice one bro... really awesome..

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awesome haul there mr. sinclair... wishing they sell it here too... Smile

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A lot BS there..if i get there will sapu all...bring some more Mr. Sinclair later on can make hot sales and i will be u 1st customer...

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ya loh..sure feel different find these thing on rack compare to collect at post box Smile
congratz sinclair!!

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whoa.....!! so many BS until berlambak... if i were there, i'll definately sapu all....

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