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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I thought it was against the rules to do that :S Facebook changed their rules so you can have more than one account. People were getting into trouble posting things on there that future bosses and work collegues could see. I know people do use seperate accounts as well for trading...they feel safer then using their main account It is against PSFC rules to open multiple accounts in PSFC though :winked:
  2. lea75


    Hey sweetie I can uderstand and sympathise 100% with you . I suffer with Depression and anxiety, and low self esteem is a big part of this. This is partly due to my past any partly due to my skin (I have Psoriasis so feel everyone is always talking about me) It can escalate to point where you dont see a way out of it, so you need to do something to stop it now. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is excellent..it teaches you how to take a negative thought and turn it into a positive. It really can work!!. You need to spend time for you...if your issue is with the way you look, then spend time for you....long soak in the bath, wearing nice clothes, get your hair done, anything to make you feel good about yourself Just getting to know you through the group, I have had the chance to see what a wonderful, caring person you are..now you have to start beliving in yourself As Kasi said, men are not very good at showing their emotion, but that doesnt mean he doesnt love you and isnt proud to be with you, he wouldnt be with you otherwise! Whether you are a size 6 or a size 26 you are still the same person underneath and that is the person who matters...please start believing that! I hope you can get some help hun, and start believing in yourself, so you can see the wonderful person everyone else sees when looking at you Huge hugs to you xxxxxxx
  3. lea75

    Five letters

    The Red Indian caught kippers POUCH
  4. no hun...you wouldnt get banned... I have many people on my friends list who are on very, very high paw points, but they casue no harm to others as far as I'm concerned.
  5. i'm sorry, i haven't update the list yet.. I now only have 1 whipped cream bowl, 1 lemonade and 1 candy booth. for 2x999 is it okay? sure hun..I've sent you a f/r
  6. If you are suspicious of any PSFC member then you should forward the details on to me so it can be looked into. However... Although PSFC does not condone cheating in any way, there is unfortunately nothing we can do about it. It would be impossible for us to prove for a start, and as it does not affect any other member of PSFC then we will not take any action against them. The only time we would ban a member is if they scammed another member of PSFC or were proved to be a known scammer from TOF
  7. yep...I would say that is acheat as well!!
  8. I agree... but it is a shame as it is making it harder for those who play the game as it was meant to be played. In my opinion, greedy traders have ruined many aspects of PS. I'm not against trading, just people trying to make huge amounts out of others, when at the end of the day, it is just a game meant to be enjoyed.
  9. can I get all your food egg items please 1 x Whipped Cream Bowl 1 x Lemon Bowl 1 x Lemonade 2 x Candy Booth 5 items for 3 x 999?
  10. So what do you all think of the new items?? I quite like some of them...but I think its the wallpapers need to be put in the room before I can tell if I like them Tip: If you want to try out wallpaper to see what it looks like... tools...internet options....work off line.... Then go buy the wallpoper, take it home and try it out. If you like it, go back into your internet options and click to work online.... if you dont like it simply click refresh and when the box comes up telling you that you must connect, just click the connect button. You will then have your coins back and no wallpaper...its as if it all never happened lol I think its going to be a very expensive week...why are they putting the prices up so high? It's great for people who trade and have extra cash to spend, but not good for those on a lomoted budget!
  11. I will say morning even though it doesnt feel like it...havent slept too well (joys of kids lol) Going to playgroup this morning with my youngest, so that will be fun...we alwaya manage to come away covered in paint lol
  12. lea75

    plz help me

    I'll sort it out now
  13. I have to listen to most of them as my daughter is either listening to them, singing them or both
  14. going to go and sulk now my Mummy has said that
  15. Dont forget you can ask a safe trade referee to help you with your trade, to help keep your items safe. Safe trader have their usernames in green, or you can ask any moderator or admin to help you
  16. I am so excited...cannot wait .... I'M GOING TO SEE TIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. top gear is not a blokie programme...It is ace...and it has Richard Hammond in it Then again the only other tv programmes I watch can be classed as blokie I suppose...Dr Who, Torchwood, Spooks....wow I am a Bloke!!!
  18. I put mine up the 1st December..I normally cant wait any longer lol, but because we are going away for Christmas and will have to put the decorations away early, I might put them up early I just cannot wait to see my youngests face when she comes downstairs and sees all the decorations up :dancing:
  19. Oh sweetie that must be really hard for you. I hope something can be worked out for you in time for Christmas xx
  20. make a sock puppet keep your marbles in it put it at the end of your bed for santa bucket
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