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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    Selling Cash Coins

    thank you so much....balloon received and 2 x 4999 sent adding rep for you now
  2. The last time I went to see a fiilm at the cinema was to see Disneys up I watched a film on the disney channel tonight....does that count ??? lol
  3. lea75

    Selling Cash Coins

    f'r accepted. do you mind sending first as you are so new to the group
  4. lea75

    Selling Cash Coins

    can I get 8 cash coins please....I would love a penguin balloon
  5. lea75


    THey have to change it soon....I dont even bother clicking on him any more!
  6. I have had such a bad day I got my OH to take my youngest daughter(2 year old) out this afternoon so I could have some peace...they'd been out about 2 hours when I get a phone call.....she's had an accident! Her cousin had trapped her fingers in the bathroom door (he's only 3 and was devestated that he had hurt her) By the time he managed to get her home to me, her fingers we not only swollen but rock solid So up to the Accident and Emergancy we went! The have done x-rays on her had but luckily it is just badly swollen and bruised. She has stopped feeling sorry for herself now and is back to being a cow bag lol, every now and again she will try and pick something up with her 'bad' hand and will scream apart from that she is fine I hate seeing my kids in pain
  7. The shorts do come out and you need all 3, shorts, vest and shoes to take part in the pro races...that is a lot of cash coins to spend!
  8. It has been cold, wet and very windy here all day today. I hate it
  9. I totally love Tom Jones!! Must be the Welsh in me lol This is one of those songs that always makes me sing along lmao x
  10. Time to get your brain working!! Answer these questions and then pm you answers to me before 10am(GMT) Monday for a chance to win a great prize You must have 20 posts to take part.... 1.What alcoholic drink is distilled from the agave plant? 2.The American Declaration of Independence was signed in which year? 3.Lala, from the Teletubbies is which colour? 4.Which country is Jasper National Park found in? 5.What is the spiked stick or prod used for driving cattle called? 6.The German town, Wittenburg is situated on which river? 7.Which Island is Palermo the capital of? 8.What fruit is Grenache a variety of? 9.St. Swithians day falls on which date? 10.A hexacord is made up of how many musical notes? 11.Vodka, Cointrea (or Triple Sec), cranberry juice and lime-juice make up which cocktail? 12.Acrophobia is a fear of what? Heights 13.A visagiste does which job in the theatre? 14.What is the name of the first James Bond film? 15.The Apollo Eleven lunar module had what name and call sign?
  11. PS I'll edit my first post to make this clear
  12. lea75


    question: If the nanny bot feeds your pet, does the nanny bot provide the food, or do you give it food for your pet, or does it take whatever food it wants from your box?
  13. lea75


    great present playfish....now do you expect us to go and buy cash coins to buy more batteries to go with it?? I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Premiere night! Glamorous pets filled the red carpet, all the best known pets were there dressed amazingly, including the Mayor, Lily, Felicity, Grumble and of course “?”! Sirius was also there, in her Starlet White Dress, posing for photos, chatting with everyone, but really despite all the glitz, she was there to try and talk to “?”. As it was seemingly around about time for the new mysterious items, and Sirius had been watching all day and “?” hadn’t returned to his store with the images, she knew he must have them with him tonight! Anyway, after the star treatment on the red carpet, all the pets settled in to watch the premiere, excited as ever! It was a fantastic film, who would have guessed that we had such wonderful actors right here in the village? And at the end, “?” was revealed! Oh wait, no, that’s a different film! No one still had any idea who “?” was! In Hollywood style though, the action didn’t stop with the film, but all the pets joined together afterwards for the best premiere party ever held in the village! This is where Sirius finally got a chance to see “?”. While “?” was snacking on a meatball or two, Sirius took the chance to try and chat to him. He said he wouldn’t say anything about the new mysterious items at the party, as who knew who could be listening. Sirius responded that she knew he must have the images with him, as he hadn’t been back to the store before the red carpet, so she begged him for a peak! “?” did have the images with him, hidden away in his Premiere Suit Jacket pocket, so he pulled them out for Sirius to have a quick look. Sirius, being… well… herself, plucked the images from his paws, and quickly made towards the door! Unfortunately, she ran straight into the cake trolley that was being wheeled out from the kitchen, and the Premiere Party Cake went everywhere! Sirius’ Starlet White Dress wasn’t so white anymore, and the images were covered in cake and cream! Undeterred and leaving a huge mess behind her, Sirius hurried home. Once home, she washed as much cake and cream off of the images as she could manage, but they were still pretty damaged. Can you work out what they are? (Blue Mystery Box) (Golden Mystery Box) (Golden Mystery Box) These items are now able to be found in mystery boxes, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now to see if you can discover them and un-cake the mystery! ~~~ Now the images have been washed, but what about poor Sirius in her Starlet (non)White Dress? It’s all good, Nannybot to the rescue! Nannybot is here to help take care of your pet (if you want)! Have you ever gone away for a few days and came back to find your pet hungry, unhappy and with flies? Well Nannybot is the answer! When Nannybot is powered she will keep your pet fed, happy and sparkling clean while you are offline! She can also help while you are online as well, simply click her and she will help keep your pet in top shape (with some cool animations)! You can purchase your very own Nannybot from either the Furniture or Gadget Store. She will need power to work though, but you can also purchase Batteries for her from the Furniture and Gadget Stores; Medium Batteries will last for 3 days once activated! Plus to get you started, the Mayor has gifted every pet with a Battery! Please note that this update is for the Facebook version of the game only. The MySpace and Bebo versions of the game have not changed at this stage. posted by Sonia
  15. lol glad you like them The new spoilers are out....another PSFC exclusive!! http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/psfc-news-f7/another-psfc-exclusive-spoilers-revealed-t5731.htm#156530
  16. just had a thought... when you go into your profile, you will see lots of fields are now marked * make sure all these are filled in (you dont have to put anything in the new password field) once you have added all these, click save. You will then be able to alter your profile as you wish This is because the registration form has changed since you registered and it wont let you alter yor profile until all the compulsary fields have been filled in
  17. I've just tried to alter my pets name and level and it worked fine silly question but did you click save???
  18. then I would buy everything in the shops and gift it to all PSFC members What if PSFC closed
  19. lea75

    More Maintenance

    Hopefully once they have switced to EA's servers they wont need to kepe having server maintenance , so this should cut down on the amount of maintenance we have On a positive note.....new mystery items when we get back in???
  20. lea75

    Deleting Posts

    only mods are allowed to delete posts...if there is anything you want removing...let one of us know
  21. I dont know if I am looking forward to watching the episode or just drooling over David Tennant lmao... It's on at 7pm which is a bad time for me, so I'll probably watch it on catch up when the kids are in bed
  22. I'll pass all your suggestions on to the tech guys....your opinions do count for a lot As Billbo mentioned, we are still tweaking the layout and colour scheme, so if you have any issues then please do let us know so we can do something about it
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