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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I got the first super mario galaxy game quite cheap...as I bought it pre-owned.....it was about a third of what it would of cost to buy it new
  2. I'm reading Linda Fairstein - Hells gate It is the latest in the series on Alex cooper and assistant DA and it is fabulous
  3. top 10 posters so far this week....in no particular order. Keep posting though as this can change every hour Good luck xxx
  4. wow some of these items would make me consider playing again just to decorate lol fab items
  5. hope you are ok hun....dont feel the need to apologise, just remember we are here if you need us Hugest of hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. yes....you can add any personal photos into it that you want to xx
  7. I'm going to go for the obvious and say Juliet...but want to state that any thing sent will be used as prizes for the group xx
  8. thats from the gallery at the top of the page, where you can add your own pictures, All the icons and buttons will be changing soon .... time for a fresh look
  9. Happy Birthday Tanya! Hope you have an amazing day
  10. Had a look at this and it works out more expensive to buy them through facebook credits in the UK Buying directly I can get 120 cash coins for £12 However using facebook credits for 120 cash coins costs £13.12 It must be due to the exchange rate
  11. Morning Pedj xxxx I'm hoping it stays dry today so I can take Phoebe out...think I might try taking her swimming. She is not very good in the water, but she has to get used to it lol...what a horrible Mum Apart from that it is housework as usual ...... BORING!!!!
  12. bit.ly a6oDhJ Playfish are running a survey to get your opinions....we are always saying what we would like them to do, well this is your chance to tell them! I have added on mine that the need more levels, and to give us some challanges, something to give us a reason to keep coming back in
  13. lea75

    Who would you???

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Vin desiel sorry I thought snog was a well known word lol....silly me
  14. sure hun at the top of the page, click on Profile, then you need to click on the Avitar tab...you can then upload your picture from there If you need any more help, let me know
  15. lea75

    Who would you???

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! David Tennant is all mine! Hands off!!!
  16. they are awesome! The books are sooooooooooo much better than the films..but I do love the films as they have put the wonderful image of Rob P as Edward into my head every time I read the books now lol
  17. lea75

    Who would you???

    I am very anti-boy bands...and Westlife to me are the worst of the worse lol
  18. If you edit your first post and tick the complete button then one of the mods will close it for you I would recommend waiting though until Kasi has posted that she has sent your item and received yours...just incase you want to use this trade towards your safe traders badge I know Kasi will be back online in the morning (its 11:14 pm here lol)
  19. lea75

    Who would you???

    why?? Have I mentioned his name before??
  20. Hiya and welcome to PSFC If you need any help with anything please let me or any of the mods/admins know and we will do all we can to help Look forward to chatting to you soon
  21. Hiya and welcome to the group Your English seems great to me, certainly a lot better than my Italian lol Look forward to chatting to you
  22. Hiya and welcome to the group If you need anything please feel free to pm me or any of the mods/admins and we will do all we can to help :1hug Look forward to chatting soon
  23. hiya and welcome to the group! I've had a quick look at your profile and seen that you are a fellow Twilight addict...did you know we have a Twilight section here? http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=36 click the link the join the group If you need anything just let me or any of the mods/admins know and we will do our best to help
  24. cant wait to hear Myladyyawos reaction when she opens PS...she is going to love it! lol xx
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