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Posts posted by lea75

  1. Its great when online friends meet up in real life Smile

    I met up with some friends from an online support group I'm a member of recently and it was brilliant Smile

    Would love to be able to meet up with some of you from here!

  2. Hopefully Steph will be discharged from the hospital today

    She has to go to stay with her parents for a few days though until her heating/hot water is fixed. I'm sure she will be posting pics on here for us all as soon as she is able Smile

  3. If you pm me with the details of the username you want, I can change it for you

    Please make sure you type it exactly how you want it as I will be copying and pasting it from your message

  4. I've been looking after my friends dog for her while she is visiting family, and today had to give in and phone her and tell her just what a pain her dog is being, and now I'm on a major guilt trip

    The dog has been here since first thing Friday, so I've persevered with her for 3 nights. I only agreed to have her because my friend told me she was house trained and really quiet...is she hells like!

    She barks constantly all night, constantly waking my youngest, who is now petrified of the dog, and gets herself so upset she has asthma attacks. The dog is also messing and weeing in my kitchen. It will go outside and play or go out for a walk, then wait till its home to wee on my kitchen floor. And then today, she ripped a hole in my kitchen floor, even though she had just been out for a long walk and the kitchen door was open!

    I had to phone my friend as I really just couldn't take another night of this...I've been up since half 5 with the dog today, and my health is now suffering as well. My friend was a bit offish with me, but has arranged for someone to pick her up this afternoon...now I'm on a major guilt trip for letting my friend down

    At least this has put me off the idea of ever having a dog lol

  5. Had a text message from Gaia this morning...she was admitted to hospital yesterday with early stages pre-eclampsia. This is where you have high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

    She is ok , and baby Molly is fine...they are just keeping an eye on them both and trying to bring her blood pressure down a bit...hopefully the medication will sort this out and she will be able to go home tomorrow.

  6. I dont really see the problem with asking friends for help, and in all fairness you only need help from 6 people with this.

    You can always set up a list within your facebook friends of all your friends who regularily play PS, then only post to them. Plus dont forget that everyone can choose to block games if they dont want to see them on their walls.

    But none of that really applies here, as when you ask for help with this new feature, it goes to your friends games requests, not on their (or your) wall, so no one else sees it, and your friend will only view it when they click on games requests
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