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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I need: Fun park cutout Cotton candy I have spare: octopus Park entrance park floor
  2. can I swap your uniform top for a green octopus please xx
  3. Please can Rosie have set 9...I love that Elephant (hadnt even seen one before today )
  4. Happy Birthday hun! Hope you have an amazing day...love you loads xxx
  5. Hope you have a fantastic day hun xxx
  6. Oh I sooooo know what you mean...it seems quite perverted to be drooling over the body of someone who is meant to be half my age
  7. new moon was not my favourite of the saga Not enough Edward in it for my liking Totally off topic but I have decided why I have always been team Edward and not team Jacob...why did they have to make Jacob younger than her? It just doesnt seem right to me for an 18 yr old girl to be with a 16 yr old boy It's probably because my son if 15 and I would kill any 17 yr old girl who came near him
  8. I think I will try and go to a Friday afternoon session (on my own ) That way all the kids will be in school. I will just have to bite the bullet and go on my own...I'm not going to wait any longer than I have to
  9. Please can you all remember that not everyone will be seeing Eclipse at the same time..so if you make a thread in which you are talking about the film, and you think there is anything that might spoil it for members who have not yet seen the film...make sure you put SPOILER in the thread title. That way those who have not seen the film know not seen the film...and especially for those who are new to the Twilight saga and have not yet read all the books Thanks
  10. yep you are an impulse buyer and a horder Dont think I have ever met any one with so many clothes! Bare in mind guys that my Mum and Dad have a 4 bedroom house and 3 of the bedrooms are full of their clothes
  11. I have to wait to see it on DVD...unless I go to the cinema on my own which I dont want to do
  12. lea75

    Why some are....

    There are many reason for a member to be banned, including: scamming, multiple accounts, advertising another sites. All members should read the PSFC rules carefully to make sure they do not break any of the rules Banning members is never a decision I take lightly, in fact I hate doing it, but the rules are there for a reason, and if members break them then I am left with no other choice PSFC is very well moderated at all times, and all issues do get looked into thoroughly, especially scamming and multiple accounts. I am still looking into a few other accounts on here, which I believe are multiple accounts, there are ways for us to find this out easily The reason for the recent bannings is between the admins/mods team and the members banned. I am sorry but we will not discuss any individual members in the group
  13. kathy...you loon! love ya but girl you have have lost the plot
  14. you have already said in another thread that you cant guarantee being able to log on while you are away, which is why you were asking about a friend signing in on your behalf I am locking this competition until you are back from holiday and able to run it properly 4 weeks is too long to leave it running
  15. how are you going to run this comp if you are going away for 4 weeks?
  16. why would you want anyone to use your account while you are away? I cant see any reason for anyone else to post as you
  17. Unfortunately people do it to try and deceive people into giving them things
  18. Reminder: Please remember that multiple accounts are not allowed at PSFC. Any member found to have more than one account will have all accounts banned permenantly There are ways of finding out if a member is using more than one account, so please do not try it. It is really not worth getting yourself permenantly banned from PSFC
  19. Welcome to the group! It seems you already know Foxpoly, which is great Are you real life friends? It wont be long before you have loads of new friends in here If you need any help please let me know
  20. Hem please read you pm
  21. I cant see anything new I think they were just fixing one of the many gliches
  22. If it is a you tube music video being added into the Music forum then you are ok...as long as it is just the original music video and it does not contain any links to other sites. Videos in anyother part of the group always need permission first, no matter how suitable it may seem The reason we have to do this is because even though the video itself may seem fine there may be adverts or content on the site which are not suitable for all members, or it may contain a link to a site which is not suitable. As we have members as young as 14 on here, we have to make sure that all content is suitable If you send the link to me then once its approved you can add it to your post with a note saying I have given permission, then the mods will know it is ok
  23. if the sale sign has only just appeared then they should be in the shops until next Sunday night...they normally give you just over a weeks notice..but we all know what Playfish are like for changing their minds lol
  24. click on your pet society photo album, then click edit info. You can then set in there who can see your PS photos. Set this to only you It doesnt matter if these photos are published to your wall as it is only you who will be able to see them
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