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Everything posted by smut

  1. i thing at is not only in the south world also here in denmark there not will be so much snow normal there came a littel snow but not so uch and it is only in a few days and so it is raining again we have a thing we call white christmas and it is wen the most of the country is in snow christmas eve the 24 dec. and since i was born in 1987 we have 1 white christmas and it is 14 years ago so i cant not remeber this so well i was just 8 years old i thing and the winter is not so warm like south africa but when we talk winter in denmark ouer winter is warmer and warmer so a temp. on +1,5 is a warm winter here and last year we got this and there they say it was a cold winter because the most year we now have temp abouth +3-4 so i thing play fish need to make rain when it must be like ouer weather now and i thing they must make rain the most off the year to make ouer season we have rain so much the hole year her ein denmark so i realy like to have a umbrella an boaths and rain clothes to my pet lol
  2. i got my plushie the first day it was pusible
  3. smut

    Facebook settings

    i willl check it when i came on fb later today
  4. smut

    Snow blocks

    i have read on a play fish fprum some one talk about maby a small one instet of a large or some one taælkk about the plushie but a mod have writh it will not be the plushie
  5. i thing the will came intims in the tree but the quistion is when and i thing maby when the mb is there again or on monday
  6. smut

    PSFC is slow

    i thing it has been so slow since the start of december or end of november now the most of the time i try to load a forum here in the site load wrong and i got a with site or a site were all the text is stay so i dont can read it or the forum dosent load and i got a issue massage with the forum is not work or some thing like this so it is there because i dont have to be here so much i got realy sad when i got the issue every time i try to load a site in here and i have clean my cookies and cache everyday so it is not the problem and i use firefox on my pc and i have the same problæem on my fathers pc were i use ie
  7. smut

    New Items.....

    i thing some off the intims is going to be to big so i realy like last year intims so much better because it is not so big many intims is to goiong bigger than ouer pet now and i just thing it is not pretty when the intims is so big
  8. i think a santa doll will be great also but i also like the elephant doll with the santa hat on so much but when some one in here just say random gift or mabye coins or cc some times will be great
  9. please mr ball up can i have nr. 22 i thing it is not taken
  10. Please stop quoting your own wish list, when there is no need...you only have to state f/r accepted Lea75 i just add you
  11. pls, send me a f/r for a little something from your wishlist! i just add you
  12. all to have be so kindly to grant alot of my wishes when i have been out i just have updaet my list
  13. but now i need to go to do some thing irl but i will be back @$$ the first to morrow morning
  14. Sending Cute Maid Set. wow you are realy so kindly i will realy wish i cut grant some off you wishes hun :dancing: It is ok. IT'S BETTER TO GIVE THAN RECIEVE. lol thansk any way and again
  15. Can Send princess mansion stair case if you still need it wow i realy still ned it to my prinsess castel
  16. Sending Cute Maid Set. wow you are realy so kindly i will realy wish i cut grant some off you wishes hun :dancing:
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