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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. You have a lot to do! IMOM walks quite a long way from the train when he gets to London, I'd bought him some Timberland boots for walking in, instead of his office shoes...just as well, he said they were really tested out today!
  2. Hi Paige, Hi BG Gosh it's so wet here, really torrential rain.
  3. ♫Yeah it's a mighty long way down rock'n'roll From the Liverpool docks to the Hollywood Bowl 'N you climb up the mountains 'n you fall down the holes♫ Hiya sweetness - how are you today?
  4. Zoonie

    Special Pet Photos

    I love it that's why and this one, when Boogie used the Musketeers on Elf Yourself! I'm looking for other people's favourite pet pics too.
  5. If it was too easy it'd be boring - besides, I love the times when I can't even find them all myself
  6. There's absolutely nothing to lose...if you CeeGeeans don't play I might be tempted to guess for you
  7. This is reminding me of our Pyjama Protest, remember? Some of the pics and the slogans were great
  8. Kitty went to visit both Joki and Snorks to wish them well on their Wedding Day
  9. Later Franster BBG you've made me ravenous now! Kijo, you need some ginger if you feel nauseous.
  10. Loving the pics (guess who forgot to go back to page one at first!!!)
  11. Zoonie

    How did you .....

    My user name is the same as my pet's name to keep things simple. Zoonie was named after one of my husband's childhood pets - who in turn was named for a character in the childrens' TV show, Fireball XL5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fireball_XL5 Zoonie the Lazoon, lazy semi-telepathic pet of Dr. Venus from planet Colevio (voiced by David Graham). His curiosity often led him to cause trouble. During his first appearances, he couldn't say anything but "welcome home" but his vocabulary grew as the series progressed, often due to him mimicking other characters. I have to point out that my Zoonie is much more industrious and intelligent than that, and also a lot better looking than the Lazoon!
  12. Ours doesn't seem sweet Frannie, not sure why - anyways, now you know how fussy I am Just heard a really funny story on the radio (I thought it was funny) The interviewer is talking to an old time British song and dance entertainer (Tommy Steele) and he's recalling meeting Fred Astaire...'show me what you got' says Fred to Tommy. Tommy performs a really complicated move, only to hear 'oh yes, the Irish man'll have taught you that ... he never could do it right!' Glad you like the story/clip BBG. BRB, builder calls
  13. I like it hot, no sugar, and we tend not to use cream in the UK really. So I either have powdered creamer or hot milk. I don't like it so you can stand a spoon up straight in it, but not milky either If I go out and it's a coffee shop with the expresso machine, I have two shots of expresso topped up with hot milk, as opposed to what they try and sell you, which is a latte I don't like too much airy froth oh and I get picky about the mugs as well... so I'd better make my own!
  14. More tips on eggs: If you're not sure, test the freshness of eggs by placing them in a deep bowl of water an egg that sinks and lies on the bottom of the bowl, is fresh if it lies on the bottom of the bowl, but tilts - it's ok to use an egg that floats should be disguarded The thing that took me ages to cotton on to is that you should always wash your hands after handling eggs, due to the amount of bacteria that can be present on the shells...you only have to think of the journey they make to realise really
  15. Bye Army. Frannie how many coffees are you making? do you remember how I like mine?
  16. Zoonie

    Special Pet Photos

    Here's one of my favourite PS pics, kindly made for us by Kijo. The Five Musketeers Left to Right: Zoonie; Foxy; Boubie; Boogie and BooBear
  17. I know, our rates vary, but 40% and then deductions for National Insurance too (that goes for health and pensions - although a lot of people pay again out of the tax-paid earnings for health and education!) Problem is, as well, that the pensions contribution is paying for the pensions being drawn now ... there wont be anything left when we need it!!! Ciao Dawn, can't even start on about MUFC, or Sir Alex, even though he's been a fabulous manager - GRRRR.
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