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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Don't blame you Frannie, I have no patience with the internet on a phone. Take care x
  2. LOL - I guess that's what happened. Predictive text is great - until.... ROFL> How long are you away Frannie?
  3. Thanks Frannie, good morning. That's better news Kijo. I had to rescue the biggest bumble bee I've ever seen from our kitchen (used a child's fishing net) and, when I went to repot the plant (a small olive tree) I disturbed a big ants' nest. Eeek!
  4. Will nip back as soon as I've repotted a plant, it's been desperate for weeks and weeks, and now it's sitting in the kitchen looking at me, I feel SO guilty!
  5. Hi Kijo - deathly boring really. Although I met Mr Zoonie off the train in town and we drove home together. We had one phone call (my mother, saying she hadn't sent a card) and two cards - one from my late FIl's wife and one from our old friends we spent new year with ... bit of an anti climax eh? Although all my internet friends send good wishes and we had a lovely day on Saturday (still have the blisters to prove it lol) How are you today?
  6. thanks again for the heads up - it made me blush!
  7. What a good job! A lot of work gone in to that, thanks Angel and Kasi (and a special thanks for the lovely plug for C&G )
  8. Hi Jeanie, nice to hear from you - had to laugh at your OH giving you the 'eye' My eyes were awful when I woke up this morning - it was over an hour before I discovered that I'd only taken one of my contact lenses out last night I never look at the You Tube because of my useless internet connection, perhaps I should give it a go, on recommendation
  9. Good Morning - lovely morning here...shame my kitchen looks like there's been an overnight festival while I was sleeping!!!
  10. Well, just got a phone call, I have to go and do an errand. See y'all x
  11. Thanks Bee, how nice of you Hope you enjoyed the weekend too, we had a lovely day
  12. I checked your FB and commented Kijo - lovely! See you later x
  13. Hi BG, and thank you too Have a good day...
  14. Aaaw thanks. Yes, got it yesterday, ended up in bed in a dark room, cuddling up to a hot water bottle - not what I was planning How was your weekend?
  15. I was awake early too, but not *that* early. Speak gently - bad head day.
  16. Breaking news - started to rain here now too! And it's raining for the London Marathon. This is like the weekend we got married - absolutely glorious Saturday, but the Sunday was rain from mid Morning and thunder storms like the end of the world!
  17. Thanks Wish, got a giant asteroid Just going to eat >>>
  18. Ooops - have breakfast on the go ... heavy gardening on our agenda today, so I need building up. Truth be told, after the long walks yesterday, I can hardly put one foot in front of the other! I may have to break with tradition and have a soak in the bath tonight - thank goodness we have one that isn't leaking.
  19. I'll keep the full set of TWS for you - I keep getting donations and the stock is building up Edwina Currie is one very strange fish if you ask me - if you want to read the article it's on the Daily Mail site.
  20. Are you certain? I wanted to help you save coins, otherwise you're going to be at a real disadvantage. The CDWM is Brian Paddick (sp?) the gay ex Police Chief who ran for London Mayor, Edwina Currie, Derek Hatton and Rod Little (journalist, The Spectator etc.) Published Hideeni off both accounts.
  21. Wish, am going to log in to OH's account and send over the TWS stuff for you, stand by...
  22. Sun's breaking through Wish. Yes, tomorrow is our actual anniversary, but Mondays aren't the best for celebrating eh? I wish someone would sort out our spare room I'd just wandered off reading an insider's article about Come Dine With Me - a political one due to go out soon.
  23. So am I, I have so many pets called Bella or Edward Cullen, and I've never even seen the programme they come from
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