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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I didn't see Nicky here this evening Frannie. See you soon x
  2. You know I'm so far behind that I can't remember what the last new MB item I got was (but I do know you gave it to me Frannie) Just having a little teary moment describing Socks's leaving to IMOM.
  3. What? for earrings? Bee and IMOM are happy that the rail strike next week has been ruled unlawful in court and so it's off (for now)
  4. Phew! My magnolia isn't very big either Frannie. Apple and pear flowers are generally more delicate, papery rather than waxy and smaller (I think) - I have buds out but not any sign of them unfurling yet. Thank You Mwah BG, am sure you'll be fine, and it's going to be a relief to have them out.
  5. YES! how gorgeous, it looks like Magnolia to me at a quick glance, it's lovely.
  6. The first link is half a page of code Frannie
  7. Evening BG, how're you this evening?
  8. Hi Wish, yes, am getting over my tears. Dennis is back on his own bed now, instead of the shelf under the kitchen console table. Frannie the one that was late posted had a note on the edit to explain that. Oooh a pear tree, must see Frannie.
  9. ha ha you should find yesterday's REALLY easy, just hunt for it! See you in a bit.
  10. If it helps, I used 5 threads (counting the Daily Chat as one thread even if a new one opened)
  11. Stupid me! I can't update, can't get in to PS can we DOH!
  12. LOL, no it made me laugh, you can really can't you? It was one of the pics we used to advertise him - the other one's on my FB profile now...so funny how he sleeps upside down the way he does. Cathy has promised to stay in touch and let us know how he gets on. All the Registry stuff is in IMOM's first 3 rooms - there's just SO much every week lately, I can't keep up ... well I could I guess. DM sent some 4999s to cash in and I bought some stuff, let me go and see and update the Registry for last week's stuff first.
  13. Aaaw bless, sounds really sweet (rather her than me though) - yes, maintenance for about another hour and half so it says out in the forum
  14. Thanks Frannie. I'm not so bad now, getting it out of my system. I talked to IMOM on the phone though and could hear a catch in his voice too, silly pair that we are!
  15. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    NEXT WEEK saving for Chupacabra (Jason) Smorkle (Jeanie) Zog (Mary)
  16. Have a love break Jeanie, and I'll put your name down on the C&G Gift Registry for TWS Take care, bon voyage x edit by smorkle: 4/24 gifts delivered.
  17. Can everyone please take the time to check Lea's new posting of Global Forum rules and particularly note about posting links (which is something all of us tend to do quite a lot!) - and then get on with the chat...
  18. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Shower and hair washing, a bit of pampering, that should do the trick, meanwhile will start a nice, shiny April thread.
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Have settled down with a mug of team, a ham, rocket and sweet pickled beetroot sub roll and tears streaming down my face - blarting like a girl I am
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Only one egg per day, added to a thread that's been posted in that day (and not dormant threads) *poof*
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Nothing you can do Frannie, but I agree. Dennis has no other chance in life, and we made a decision to give him shelter and a home. Socks is young, cute and appealing, he's got it all going for him Gotta run for a short while, get ready before Cathy comes to collect him later. I'll return x
  22. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Consider it done. Zog is away, but knowing her she usually manages to get her own stuff, even though she donates so much - I'll be keeping a set for her too. I also had a note from Missy saying she's so busy she can't play - could she buy from the Registry, as she doesn't really participate in C&G any more. I'll have to make time to update the list later, I did write things out, but to be honest this whole departmentalising of the stores makes it even harder to sort out unless you dedicate a chunk of time. Thanks all
  23. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Socks will be fine. The people and the home have been thoroughly checked (two people were turned down before this home) and he'll be in a child-free/other-pet-free home, where the man of the couple works away all week...so I guess he'll be focus of attention and welcome company for the lady. He's the type to get his feet under the table wherever he's being fussed on - look how he started coming here even before his owners left. We'll certainly miss his character though - and have said if it doesn't work out where he goes, then he's to come back here.
  24. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Gosh he really must have! I have my preferences and think I'm entitled to them, same as anyone else - but, I hope I don't jump to conclusions. Morning Leo, I'm also very in and out as we say, Socks has the devil in him still and is making Dennis's life a misery this morning. I just got Socks in, keep them apart - and I gave him a goodbye cuddle from his aunty Fran.
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