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Everything posted by bonzo-b

  1. Buckie.... wreck the hoose juice
  2. bonzo-b

    Rose saying hello

    hahaha...easy tiger.... only 52 (going on 18) back roads through boars hill n sandford are good fun too, but beyond wantage to white horse hill n hungerford/marlborough way are much better
  3. Nice one Bill... serious case of overdriving mate
  4. bonzo-b

    Rose saying hello

    hahaha... bike long gone, would buy her back in a second if i could find her Not far from you, i'm out Wantage way ... do you get over H`s Diner at Dorchester at all ?
  5. bonzo-b

    Rose saying hello

    Hey No comment about "new " bonnies..... not the same if you don`t have to work on them every weekend a blast from way back in the past
  6. Clowne.... self description or location mate ? how`s the walking going ? Welcome in... Paul
  7. Explains why you`re grumpy mate Welcome
  8. Nice pics mate.... bloody cold tho wasn`t it
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