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Everything posted by bonzo-b

  1. bonzo-b

    Just joined up!

    Likewise...How is it mate? Doin good mate thanx... how`s you ? Nice to see another BRONZE Bandit rider in here
  2. ha ha and i can get much worse so don't encourage me Now that sounds like a challenge! No Rose dont do it Go on ... you know you wanna !!
  3. bonzo-b

    Just joined up!

    welcome Steve ... fancy seeing you in here
  4. Went for a ride about on Saturday.... look where i ended up
  5. Can`t beat bronze mate it can look good....
  6. Lovely pic mate, should`ve cropped off the ugly one tho I`ve got son 27 going on 14 daughter 24 going on 40 Grandaughter 3.5... going on and on and on... love her to bitz
  7. Used to play hockey at skool Dave.... awesome fun... 22 teenage lads with sticks all trying to hit a ball.... recipe for disaster, but surprisingly few injuries
  8. Agreed !! Not the fastest colour though ... let battle commence
  9. 1975 Barry island... 16 yrs old on a youthclub trip.... 2 pints (max) of Carling and i was ready for this.....
  10. Nice pics Dave some pics of me and a couple of my old bikes here.... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=101261&id=722409801&l=d9e963d5a8 current bikes... here.... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=10333&id=722409801&l=268d99273f
  11. Serviced bike... new plugs, filter + oil.... poured oil in..... big puddle on floor......DRAIN PLUG !!!!!!
  12. I have tried the little known Welsh saxophone I don't think I want to know the answer to that one!! :P
  13. I agree.... i could draw a circle n it`d be 20 questions as to what it was
  14. As it says, When i`m not out on my bike or working i try to play this.....what d`you do ??
  15. Well done Jus.... time to start re-building the bike
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