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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Stu's there again name dropping, lmfao. Anywho, what channel?????????????
  2. In my single, drunken days, I put some beans/sausage on then went to sleep, I woke to a foot of smoke from the ceiling, no fire just smoke. Ended up redecorating the whole house!
  3. RichardH


    Dude not too far away in Northants.
  4. Christ!! lucky lucky lucky, that could have had a altogether different ending, glad no one was hurt.Here's a question for you though, do you think all these electrical probs and your spiritual stories could be linked??
  5. the car is 3 years old and i clean it nearly every week Well there's an OCD suprise!!
  6. I'll go about 100miles if the weathers ok and I'm not working
  7. RichardH


    Rossis graphics, check out me wifes tattoo of the Doctor on her back she also follows him NICE ARSE!!!
  8. lol, that would take me an entire day to type
  9. Isn't that one of those kiddie play tents? If anyone gets stuck i have a spare 4man dome tent (really a roomy 2 man).
  10. Top pics Dude, but where are you?
  11. Well after sending Lee a PM it transpires that it is cheaper to send my heel plates to him, than the cost of the bits that I have already odered , I think I will have a go, as the stuff's on the way anyway and I really just want to tidy them up. If I'm not happy with the results they will be in the post pronto. Lesson here for all, get the price of a propper job FIRST, before you start ordering stuff. Thanx for all your opinions
  12. ooooh would be like a kid in a sweetshop, constantly changing my mind and getting the next shiney, shiney. I wish i had a dream bike, i would buy it and have done with it.
  13. RichardH


    Hi matey, please post lots so as i can keep orgling at your avatar
  14. I suppose its the joys of running anything, there are always those that will push the bounderies either subtly or blatently, that's why we have Mods and Admins, keep up the good work guys it's your forum and your rules.
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