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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Surely that's the whole point, we all know that idiots exist and it's in our own interest to A. try to anticipate them and B. allow for them in our driving. I know the last point is controversial but they are idiots and wont and dont give a toss, so its up to us.
  2. You will get banned if you keep posting pics of bikes that shine more than Dave and Stus Looks great Dude
  3. thats why you get so many feelings when kissing,
  4. not working, go to photo, get code, right click "select all", right click "copy" then paste here
  5. I'm going from kettering mate, happy to have company, might go sat eve if you like.
  6. send it to photobucket then post on here
  7. Right. I was getting confused with the pre xmas meet
  8. can we have a recap of what when and where please
  9. no probs, I'm sure you will find lots on here welcome
  10. i think you've turned a bit Ginger Beer
  11. Hi, strange thing to join a forum and announce you're leaving lol you will regret selling, i did when i sold years ago, now back on 2 wheels and loving it
  12. OMG Some of those looked like they were just on a suicide mission
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