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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. everyone is fine but the last bike is in bits, thanks
  2. What's going on this week? 1. my bro inlaw falls off his bike while sat at a junction. 2. My mate drops his bike on his gravel drive. 2. my supervisors fella crashes on the motorway, You will love this one He was driving along when the traffic ahead slows and stops, so he starts to filter between the middle and fast lane. A woman in the middle lane then OPENS THE CAR DOOR TO GET OUT AND HAVE A FAG Knocking him into the car in the fast lane.
  3. heard about a bloke the weekend, who got his bike ready to go to a rally, nipped for a quick shower and when he returned they were just pulling away in the van with his bike in it!!
  4. I'm not 100% sure what he's done Stan, i got the info third hand so just trying to point him in the right direction, I have told him to get his ass on here
  5. Thanks Dude, he's fine, literally fell off it while sat at a junction.
  6. My brother inlaw has just dropped hie GSX1400(2003), he was actually on the way home from just buying it (plonker) He has broken the clutch lever and the houseing, this is a hydrolic one, any ideas best place to look, we had a look on ebay but cant find any.
  7. Spot on!, bet Dave gets his sprayed purple now
  8. great pics, nearly came in the afternoon, but too knackered from the rally, wish i had gone now
  9. sorry Dave , only you sad enough for that photo
  10. Never had a career, always wanted to join the forces or fire service but deaf in one ear, so pretty much bummed from one job to another.Having said that, I'm 50 in Nov and only had 2x 1months stints of unemployment so haven't done that bad from it. Good luck in whatever you decide mate, at least you have a good education to start you off
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