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About Neill

  • Birthday 07/02/1958
  1. have my visor and specs coated with some anti mist stuff keeps them fog free and means its a lot safer, think the OP means tips for the specs not how to ride in the rain, thats easy init
  2. Dave put a cushion under yer backside and some platform boots it will lift you higher and deflect the wind from Mel's head, then you can spend the money you would spend on a tourer on some goodies for the king
  3. thats cos they never got whalloped by a southpaw
  4. mmmm do I detect a closet watcher here never seen it, but I do get made to watch that strictly nonsense
  5. AJS Model14 250 in 1975
  6. My first https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ajs+model+14&hl=en-GB&rlz=1T4PBEA_en-GBGB227GB310&tbm=isch&imgil=_h74j_eiopBSoM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTZAmYKT6PLB_ytra9PlLCWji0Thfpqbckem-IDVcodl-4C9EvjhQ%253B600%253B450%253BU2SPVrXOxtiuJM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.classicandracebike.co.uk%25252Fused-bike-0mco7e378v%25252F1961-ajs-model-14-250cc-for-sale.htm&source=iu&usg=__KqLRfI5FfOnQC8cEgJJfUz7XRx0%3D&sa=X&ei=5iEzU9yiH4rY7Ab21IDoCw&ved=0CDYQ9QEwAw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=_h74j_eiopBSoM%253A%3BU2SPVrXOxtiuJM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.classicandracebike.co.uk%252Fautoclass%252Fstock-images%252F3p1ta8woxh%252F0mco7e378v%252Fe4vrjomu2l.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.classicandracebike.co.uk%252Fused-bike-0mco7e378v%252F1961-ajs-model-14-250cc-for-sale.htm%3B600%3B450
  7. i used to be the don! i did work in a kitchen! pot washers arent chef's
  8. theres still a couple of hundred miles left in it Ive seen far worse sprockets than that hmmm maybe I should refer to them as pulley;'s
  9. Bad luck m8, my missus has told me she's not so keen on goindg on the bike now we have grandkids but the coup de grace is "now you've got an artificial hip dont you think you should sell THAT bike" I have offered to pay for weightwatchers online for her if I do
  10. Just got home after a 17 hour day at work, shower some cider an then bed Have a good w/end y,all
  11. cat looks as if its about to spray over your clocks chad
  12. just enjoy the peace and quiet
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