with ya there my Mrs used to love coming on me bikes up until our 1st daughter came along then she just stopped, I do miss her getting on the back though but as you said it does have its advantages, when I get me next bike I will try and get her to come out again because she did love it
Just thought i would show you this its well nice think so anyway http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Z1-Z1000-GSXR1100-GSX-R-1100-STREETFIGHTER-MAG-FEATURED-/170840427405?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item27c6e20b8d
, i may only be little but us gingers just snap [/quote] Chad I agree with the above my youngest daughter and my son are gingers and OMG they are 2 fierce little f***ers when something upsets them