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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Sounds like a blocked jet or airway.as it got constant depression type carbs? if so could be the diaphram split.
  2. Well bugger me found this in there this morning now we are running out of room.
  3. I would have thought that it's unlikely that the mixture screws need adjusting unless some as messed with them, is the choke fully off and the air filter good and clean? whats its mileage?
  4. You will love riding that beast great stuff
  5. I have few in the shed when can you start
  6. No probs Stu could take a wile there scatterd from here to powys!
  7. Sumat Else I found under a sheet in the shed! Norton ES2 500 Single 1957. And Alice is what I found under the sheet.
  8. Yer but Not with ot the help of these 24" big beast levers!
  9. Just dob over to Supreams and pick up a couple of Dunlop's no point in fitting junk. http://www.suprememotorcycles.co.uk/products.php?CatID=44 Stu, I fitted the Beamer tyres Sunday easy job ish cheers
  10. Slinging it down big time!time to buy a
  11. Coming soon. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/newsandupdates/motorcycle_news/122_1108_triumph_street_single/index.html
  12. Good Day out if your that end of town 6th August Classic Vehicle Day from 11am Location Coolings Garden Centre, Rushmore Hill Knockholt near Sevenoaks Kent TN14 7NN organised by the Green Goddess Society. No need to book , just turn up.
  13. Royal Enfield Club ride in Victoria, Australia. If you have a few minutes to spare the roads are long and quite straight! check it out bit watch the lyrics of the sound trak.which spoils the vid shame.
  14. what? "living down the smoke may be" "I will track n trace the ip big time" i dont hawe nothink to hide but you can try if you want "coasha" << what dose it mean? paulius360 coasha is good. we thought you where telling lies about this motorcyle why did you not take pictures though on your phone?
  15. I am begining to think this guy is coasha you would not go to all this trouble to pull this stunt off. sadly though I do not think its what we are looking for.I hope that it turns up intact a major piss off.
  16. apocalypse now great film that
  17. http://www.legallyblondethemusical.co.uk/
  18. http://www.mallorypark.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=187&catid=34&Itemid=79
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