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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Stan you got it wrong bring a bottle and no clothes! Any way I carn't get in cus I am banned and have not paid me 10 bob fine yet bit of a bugger. Any way I have to be up early and drive so its dandilion and burdock for me.Any way I am always in the kitchen at partys snogging the chicks
  2. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20110204/tuk-invisible-biker-jailed-over-death-6323e80.html
  3. Nice! But I have no desire to have one,dose that mean I am sad or just and old geesa or both
  4. Buy a set of these,But shop around and buy new, easy to use and its not wourth messing arund making stuff. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MORGAN-CARBTUNE-CARB-CARBURETTOR-TOOL-BALANCER-FOUR-4-_W0QQitemZ120675255748QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=206744776178&rvr_id=206744776178&cguid=d7dbfd2412d0a0aa14d3a263ff5177c9
  5. Funny you should say that it was when I went to,Camo and is mob are doing a jolly good job at wrecking the NHS don't you think,
  6. Dose any one here give Blood? I do from time to time plus you meet some nice people.
  7. You might want to check this out, if not on Sunday its the massive Newark/Notts auto jumble. http://www.exhibitions.co.uk/profile.asp?EventID=7250
  8. here yer go have gander http://www.bloodbikes.org.uk/index.php/why
  9. These where good little bikes if you can find a nice one
  10. That guy needs taking to one side and shot! end of chav........
  11. The crankcase on the s7 have more fins not so smooth looking.not bad for a chick though!!! kidding
  12. It's a J2 engine, 500cc rigid twinport. Similar twin downtube rigid frame to a Model G.Enfield I recon But your right it dose look like an S7 well done BB Now can we fix this?I think that this is wrecked big time
  13. Did you hear about the fat, alcoholic transvestite - All he wanted to do was eat, drink and be Mary..............
  14. Might be the missing bit in my head stu
  15. You lot are getting me at it yer sods scroll down to Alice http://homepage.ntlworld.com/thefarhaven/CollegeGarth.htm
  16. Yep that worked nice little dog. Stu there great pics thanks.
  17. Well done always best if your struggling to pack in and go back next day or at least have a think about it before you start with the angle grinder. Good idea well done ,
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