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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. You think so Rich, they say only a real man can wear pink....heres a couple more for yas me with me cousen Angela our Cheryl she 8 months gone
  2. That reminds me i left last night and forgot me cake i was slightly drunk though
  3. Hello everyone yes this meet is still on, and Pike37 as just said that if anyone wants to travel down the day before you can camp in is backyard, really hope we get a good turn out its good to meet new and old folk from before not long know
  4. Here's a couple of pics of me little Bro's wedding day me bro with our youngest sister Kelly Heres a few more of our cousens and a couple more There was loads more pics taken outside Chepstow castle which i cant wait to see that were taken by a proffesional photographer the whole day went without an itch
  5. Stue11


    Hello and welcome onboard
  6. It is bloody sore cracking day though ile add some pics some time today
  7. You i was worried for a min mate have a good one Lee and enjoy your break cya when you get back
  8. Morning all, just about to wake him up and get ourselves ready for the day ahead, ile cya all 2mw night hopefully with some pics for you all to look at
  9. Dont worry about it Gill keep us updated all the best
  10. would be great to meet up with new members
  11. Well ile be meeting up with me younger bro 2mw for a day of catch ups and a few before he signs his life over to his better half
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