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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Stue11


    Should I be Worried! Just bought 1st ever Nitro priced, £50. It fits well and is of the gold motorsport standard. Would I really be better Crash protected by spending more money?? Bearing in mind I have a pretty cautious riding style. ...And not planning on doing any trackdays anytime soon,, lol. Trust me you will have no trouble with Nitro lid, i came off at a ton plus broke a few bones but me head was left in one piece, few would disagree if there stamped for road use wear it
  2. Stue11


    As long as theyve got the relevent stamps on em thats all that matters everybody different when it comes to lids my head best suit the Nolan and Xlite range there are also good lids same make i know before anyone says
  3. this one has gotta go in the shed, im not a happy bunny dont want to push ya luck
  4. Stue11


    Nitro excellent lids imo, had a few over the years
  5. Fairplay Mark you just cant help yourself
  6. I hope that they are caught soon and due justice in brought to bare! Many years ago an old School friend ran a bike shop and an undesirable stole a bike from outside the shop! However what the thief did not recon on was that the shop was run by the local chapter of the Outlaws, they found the lad took him to a quarry with a blindfold on, they took his shoes off and the blindfold, showed him the edge then put the blindfold back on. Pushed him around a bit and stood him on a block “which he thought was the edge of said quarry” and asked him where the bike was. He told him quick smart. They gave him a push “shall we say that he needed new underwear”! Anyway my old School friend said can you believe it the little git went to the Police “last I heard my old School friend was at Her Majesties Pleasure! So although Law Street Justice sounds good it can back fire! E.Goldsiten “They are watching you” Your deffinantly right there, my dad caught a 18yr lad thieving is merc badge 20yr ago, he caught the and broke is wrist with a bat... my dad got a 1000 fine and a 6month suspended sentence, the lad caused 1500 pounds worth of damage scratching the car trying to remove it, he got compo and 50hrs community service, allthough i dont condem violance sometimes its the only way they learn... he never come near my house again idiot.
  7. Like Dave said, hopefully weathers nice so you can atleast have a nice rideout somewhere
  8. Hello Hawkster and welcome back again
  9. If its any cosalation Noz i love ya awwwww funks... wuv wooo tooo?
  10. 9 and half hours is my record Lee By the way Lee it looks amazing loving the bright colours
  11. Never, thought all that had finished good find Gaz
  12. Alright, don't remind me I'm a geriatric i wasnt
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