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Everything posted by gravelrash

  1. Me and Alan (Skelly) paid up so deffo going! Just as long as Dave tries to get along with him this time!!!
  2. Like that Ian and I bet you got it at the right price! with Alan(Skelly) getting a DRZ400 to play on the moors with might start looking for something similar! have fun mate!
  3. Wardrobe route to Narnia......apparently Dave! all follow Hayden!
  4. gravelrash

    Hi there

    welcome to the forum!
  5. S.U.N ......nope dont know what that is Dick! P.A.S.S.P.O.R.T ...... nope dont know what that is either! Hope you have a great ride back, Alan!
  6. Thank you! She's having it rough at the moment customers being really nasty, don't know how she smiles and carries on with some of the sh t she has put up with this week. Some people are just plain nasty anyway you never know whats round the corner and hopefully she will find something else or stay at home....i dont mind!
  7. Oh no! Had nowt but trouble with that bike Chad, hope you get it sorted and can sort a loom.....can one not be made up by a bike electrickery wizard?
  8. Think that about sums it up Chad! Although my wife was in charge of the Christmas department setup in her store and did a bloody good job but she has a lot of pride in her work and was complmented on the display. Just another casualty if our economic climate at the moment.
  9. Didn't take the damper rod out Ian just upended the fork overnight to drain, seals are fine.
  10. NOOO! Mark would have kittens, its well wrapped up mate! Lol
  11. Yeah! can't really argue with that Dave But in Sue's store customer service is very highly promoted and its a shame because she likes her job, is good at it (its not just standing at a till, as in anyones job there is a whole raft of skills unseen by the public) and she has always given 110% ..........But every cloud has a silver lining and I wont be struggling for a dog sitter when my bike is calling!
  12. tell it like it is m8 Always get a straight answer from Ian.....no prisoners taken!
  13. Looks like B.H.S has had it, been anounced today the are going into receivership......and our lass has to find out on the radio! Its a shame because her store has always made money and were told recently they should be safe but obviously not!
  14. Time for some bike maintenance! The forks on the Bandit are 10 years old and starting to show it, so time to whip them out for a rub down and colour change. Bike blocked up and forks out There's a Busa hidden in there somewhere oil drained as its due for a change! Rubbed down ready for primer Two coats of primer Colour next!! Nice Gloss Black instead of silver Re-filling with oil, 509cc capacity with 105cc air gap fork fully compressed and spring out
  15. Its coming along nicely Ian, done some cracking work to her mate!
  16. no m8 got to take some more time off beginning of may going away for a few days with the family for my moms 70th, and my list of to do jobs is not getting any shorter yet, in fact its growing. you will be Pissed mate Has been on past rideouts Dave! (and Mark too!)
  17. its people like you that are facebook mad .................. Pot and kettle mate, anyways who's to blame for that!
  18. Poxy Facebook killing the forum ......think we should all chuck F/book and go back to how it was. could just be the time of the year Dave but it is very quiet!
  19. Ian is busy as hell at work Dave, he's just done some work on my sons car (Cracking job mate) so dont think he will be going. Times flying by wont be long now!
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