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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. nice one, and some good pics, I also know some females with a hannibals bucket
  2. ive always said this, and that is rover a uk company went under, why did they not give them a city rover, with wind down windows, no air con etc, keep a British company going and if they are desperate for a car they would have it. when there are too many people taking the pee, when why not fi they people get cars, say that they will help them get it converted on controls, or for wheelchair access in the rear instead?
  3. i saved money on valentines this year but means no steak and blow job day.
  4. i broke my cheaper set, not the best of metals. but are handy, on the old rusty bolts or slightly cross threaded ones
  5. 3 years, and your still bandit mike and youll soon get over it having that new bike of yours but is always sad to see them go
  6. sorry didnt see this post, but i said it on facebook,
  7. looks good dave, you will have to let us know how you get on with it
  8. Happy birthday matey! hope you have had a good day
  9. and our summer is on its way, the whole two weeks, ner ner
  10. I blame the middle lane hogs and what a big cuddle from the pair of ya? awwwww
  11. I haven't actually clicked on the link yet lol. cant play sound for the min
  12. ill let one of the old farts answer this one then
  13. ill be treading on egg shells next time I see Michael
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