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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Glad to be of help Astra. I was typing very fast at lunch. Sorry bout that. Anyway I am sure the Lord will reveal the truth to her. Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. Daisychain, First off let me start by saying this....breath! If the Lord is asking you to remove them then know that he is watching over the situation carefully. He is the Lord who restores us and he will restore you also....you will always be beautiful and you don't need them to enhance the perfect creation that God has made in you...You are perfect without them. You are a very pretty woman....I can see that in you. Just trust the Lord and don't try to understand why...Just do what he asks. I know it is easier said than done but I know you can do it. Remember he rewards the obedient. Love in Jesus, Connie
  3. One other note: Is the church she in giving her good doctrine. The best way to know is: Does it match up to the word. Believe me when it doesn't the Holy Spirit will tell her. I was watching a tv Evangelist one day and he said something about anointing cloths and I can't remember all of it but as soon as he quit speaking the Holy Spirit said this: That is not of me! I was like thank you Lord very much! I rejected what he was teaching. Just a little something there to think about. Love in Jesus, Connie
  4. Astra, Ask her if she believes that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever? If she states she does then so the Father and the Holy Ghost are the same also. They are all here since the beginning....so...you see what I mean. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth....Oh and by the by he was there while they were planning it also. Ancient of days should be a ringing a bell for her here. Start her reading in Acts 2. These folks were filled with the Holy Ghost during Pentecost and were able to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and also there were about 500 of them or so. The people there thought them drunk. Remember. So not being biblical doesn't work for me either. The other thing here is that the enemy wants her to feel condemned of the Lord.....well I think we both agree that we are free from condemnation, guilt and shame. Romans 8:1 clearly states this. Also remind her to the fact the enemy goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Tell her to get in the word and pray to the Lord to reveal the truth to her. I had to do that many times and guess what....he is faithful and will respond to her....and I am sure like me, she will be jaw dropping on a few things. I pray this has been of help. Love in Jesus, Connie
  5. Deborah, Thanks I will check into that and thanks for the prayers! Cholette, Thanks sweetie for your prayers! Love in Jesus, Connie
  6. Thanks so much you guys! It helps! Love in Jesus, Connie
  7. Awesome post Chimere! We all need to be reminded of the Fathers love and care for us. Sometimes we forget that very important factor in our relationship and then we forget that he has it all planned out and all the pieces in place. We need only trust that and walk in the way he has set before us! Sometimes easier said than done but if we love him then we must move forward in him and toward him. Love in Jesus, Connie
  8. Good morning everyone. Normally I don't ask for prayer but we have a need for our prayer warriors. My kitty Cloe has been sick and has no balance. Now all of you cat lovers out there you know this is critical for cats. It is like vertigo for humans. They can't walk or maintain any balance. At first we thought maybe it was a stroke but the vet calls it Vestibular disease. There is no reason for it other than it comes on very suddenly and then it goes the same way. They thought maybe due to an ear infection or something like that...but my kitty does not have any ear infections. So that is the need. The vet says the disease but I am in faith believing the my little angel here is healed in Jesus name. She has been a trooper through it all but it has been tough for her. We are believing in full restoration for her. Your support and prayers are so appreciated. Love in Jesus, Connie
  9. Yeah can't say as I blame you Astra! Love in Jesus, Connie
  10. Chimere, Awesome word from the Lord! God is so good! Praise him for all his wondrous works!!! We are more than over comers in Christ Jesus! We have the victory! We have the strength to do all that is required of us! This message is being copied and kept in my journal....I hope you don't mind. Very encouraging. I get weary sometimes and forget to lay it before Him! I will do that ASAP. What a powerful testimony to how God is working in your life! I have a testimony also that is very powerful. Sometimes I need to be reminded of just how powerful that is for me even now when I go back and think on it. I reflect much of how I used to be in the pit.....that big dark place I thought I would never escape from....then along comes my beloved to pull me out and put me on solid ground and give me hope and joy when I thought there was none. You reminded me that we must battle on even when we don't understand all that is going on! That we must perservier in all things....we must wait on Him....and trust Him to be there even when we don't feel Him or sense Him. He never left....He is still there....loving on us and showing us His mercy and grace! Oh where would we be without that divine grace? I know where I would be....I would be back where I started. Nope not this girl....I have made my decision that no matter what, I love Him and can't let Him go.....I have chosen to love Him even if that means I see no changes.....I still choose Him to be the love of my life and my God, Deliverer, Savior, Prince of Peace, Counselor, Friend and the Wonderful awesome Father! Thanks for making us realize just how much we need Him! Thanks for taking the time to help us purpose in our hearts that there is none like Him! Thanks for helping us see that although life may have it's trials and tribulations...that we are nearing our breakthrough when trials find us! We will rejoice and be glad in it! Look for Him in the little things....that is what I am hearing Him say to me again. He says this to me often. There are so many miracles taking place every moment of every day! We just need to open our eyes to the truth and His name is Jesus! Many blessings to you Chimere for posting this and being obedient to the Father. I know this was in response to my email to you in part but it was far above anything I could hope or even imagine. Why does this not surprise me! Because He never does anything half way! It is always above and beyond what we can think or imagine! Love in Jesus, Connie
  11. Yes Praise God! I was born in Minnesota and the most beautiful thing to see in the winter is when it rains with sleet. The color glistens off the frozen branches, it is quite something to see. So although it may have been bad driving conditions the Lord blessed you with beauty in it. I bet it was wonderful to see! I miss that now as I live in OKC as we don't get that to often here. Congrats to the newlyweds! May the Lord shine brightly on them both!! Love in Jesus,
  12. I am praying also John! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Praise God he bore our sickness on a tree that we may live in health and be free from every sickness! Satan is a liar and a thief and we break off illness and spiritual attack of any kind off you right now, in Jesus name! you evil doer of iniquity! You have no rights to John, he is a servant of the Most High God! He has favor wherever he goes, he is healed in Jesus name, he was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and you cannot cross the blood line. I command in Jesus name you get your hands off him and restore to him everything you have stolen in Jesus name! We speak healing and restoration over Johns body, soul and spirit in Jesus name! your servant, connie
  13. Tiss our pleasure to pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ. God is good and He will provide for everything you need! Love in Jesus, Connie
  14. That is so awesome. I think the gentle wind blowing behind you was the presence of the Holy Spirit and may not have been an angel. Just my thoughts there. God is so awesome! He leaves nothing out for us! He just blesses our socks off all the time. My hubby and I thank Him for everything and ask for little except to recognize his blessings....we see them all the time. He makes everything affordable....He is so sweet! Love in Jesus, Connie
  15. That is so awesome! I just love that! Thank you Lord for being our ever present help in time of need. Love in Jesus, Connie
  16. Lord we come boldly before your throne of Grace and ask in time of need! In your word it says that we are forgiven. We ask now Lord that your would forgive Christ Connected. He feels trapped Lord by this thing that is holding on to him and he wants to be free. You can free him Lord! You are mighty to deliver! You are powerful against the enemy when we are weak Lord! We come against anything that would exult itself before you Lord! We bind the enemy and render him useless and void and command him to leave in Jesus name! We command that he be unable to speak to Christ Connected. We command that when Christ connected is on the computer that anything the enemy would try to show him that is not of God be blurred out and that he would not see it. We command that he go now to the feet of Jesus for judgement. We plead the blood of Jesus over Christ Connected and all of his life. His health, welfare, family, property, income, all aspects of his life including his walk with you. We thank you Lord for your mercy and Christ Connected is truly sorry for grieving your Spirit Lord and begs now for your forgiveness, understanding and asks for your refreshing and infilling of your Holy Spirit. Lord help him to be the man you created him to be....show him the way Lord. He is earnestly trying to seek you...help him to find you. We give you praise, glory and honor for all you are doing in his life! We thank you for every good thing and every trial and tribulation and ask you now to strengthen him. Father you are so awesome and so good to us. Where would be without you! Lord we love you with our whole hearts and thirst after you! We pray this now in Jesus name. your servant, connie
  17. I love the name change.....very nice.
  18. Cloud, We all fall short of God's glory. His grace is sufficient for everything. He forgave you on the cross not only for the sins you did commit but for every sin you will commit in the future through the end of time. You are righteous and forgiven. If we admit our weakness before the Lord and boldly ask for help in resolving the situation....the Lord is faithful to help us. Just remember that Rome was not built in a day and neither are we. The Lord must sift through the different things in our life and remove them and transform us one by one. You are on the right track...just keep seeking him out and do your best. When or if you fail, get back up knowing that you are forgiven and ask for his help. The enemy wants us to feel bad and he wants to condemn us. If Jesus were standing in front of you right now....if he saw you face to face at this very moment (and he does) he would be telling you that you are forgiven and wrap his loving arms around you. Believe it! Love in Jesus, Connie
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