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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. You definately need refuge because your husband is unstable. He is sick and he needs the Lord and he needs help. You really need to seek God on what to do. When it comes to the safety of my children and myself, a job and how much money I make just doesn't compare. Blessings to you!
  2. WOW Linda!! God is definately moving by His Spirit. I rejoice with you!!
  3. I am feeling you on this MJ...I really do! I have some unresolved issues with my mom, but let me say this to you, don't be so hard on yourself. You've experienced some HARSH things. Being one that was sexually abused, I get it and I know how awful it feels. Take it one step at a time. God is in it because you would have never had the dreams. It seems as if God is getting ready to do a work in your heart, so let him. Just relax and don't let the dream overwhelm you. That would be another tactic of the enemy to keep you bound. God saw it all and he knows the rejection and shame you've felt regarding it and He's helping you now. Sometimes things get buried inside of us and we have no clue it's there. Even though it came out in a dream doesn't mean it's a huge issue. You already know that our dreams are usually BIGGER THAN LIFE and so once again...breathe and continue to pray into this situation and whatever God says to do...no matter how difficult it may seem...do it! Prayin for you girly!!!!!
  4. Well, I'm a bit of a radical HK... God has made me to be a warrior and I've learned my right to live as the child of the King. The Bible says that we are rich through Jesus Christ..."For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." (2 Cor 8:9). If my lifestyle is NOT lining up to the way God has designed it, it's time for warfare. I've been declaring into my day for the past few months and it has worked wonders. When I get up in the morning I speak what God says about me...I am rich...I want for no good thing...I am a seed of Abraham and an heir of God through Christ...etc. When lack tries to keep me down, i stand up and declare out of my mouth with AUTHORITY and speak what God says. When we are in agreement with God's word, it will NOT return back void, but it will accomplish what it was sent to do. Recently the supply that has been in my life has been mind blowing. I received a new job, but even before that, people were mailing money to me...I had a friend who is quite stingy and even she gave me money...family members buying things for me...etc...the list goes on. Declaring out of your mouth is like FIRE and it burns up anything in the way that is trying to delay. You have already been blessed with EVERYTHING pertaining to LIFE and godliness..."as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue..." (1 Peter 1:3) This means that EVERYTHING you need in YOUR life has already been given to you. Jesus purchased it for you so create the manifestation with your mouth. The power of God...the same creative power that God used to create this earth...is inside of you. The same way He opened up His mouth and made the world...you have to open up your mouth and create the world you desire in your life. I'm a living witness that it works. I struggled for a year too long, but when the Lord taught me about opening up my mouth and speaking out what I need until it comes, I did...and it came. You also can't go by how things look. In the beginning the enemy will try to get you by saying "see, it doesn't work, you still don't have what you have been declaring"...you just shut him down by declaring OVER the voice in your head. You have to do what Jesus did in Matthew 4. Whenever Jesus had to overcome the lies of satan, he said "it is written" and gave the Word of God. If you look closely, satan didn't leave right away...he kept at him...but Jesus outlasted him by knowing the Word of God...and then he left. Call in a whole new wardrobe...and ask God for over and above that because God always gives with interest. He's such a loving Father and wants you in new clothes MORE THAN you want it. Just speak what He says about you and watch things manifest for you. I'm looking forward to your testimony!!!!!
  5. Amen DS...their hearts have melted. They love me and crown around my desk asking me questions throughout the day. LOL! I love it. I feel like "mama bear".
  6. Ohhhhh girly!!!! Praise the Lord!! I'm telling you, my friend is enjoying herself. She can go out with us and still eat what she wants. She is doing FANTASTIC, as I know you will!
  7. Sometimes you just don't see what it REALLY looks like right now TF, but know that your sacrifice WILL NOT go unrewarded. Continue to look to Him. God has been a little "sneaky" lately. He's been pulling things together out of nowhere...so don't try to figure it out because you can't. Let him do His thing. I'm so happy for you because it looks like you've been set up for a fantastic blessing...
  8. Thanks again everyone. I just completed my first day at work yesterday and my body was TIRED, after getting home. I've not had a schedule for so long and now I do. The one thing I would like to add to my testimony is, I forgot that I prayed a prayer to the Lord and asked him to "offer me a job". I had been out there with my resume's and went to a few interviews, yet, nothing ever came of it. I whispered to the Lord one day, while driving, and said "offer me a job, Lord". Well, he reminded me this morning that he did just that. He OFFERED me a job...something that I NEVER applied for...it came to me. GOD IS GOOD!!
  9. I know that season all to well. I was out of a job for 14 months...and because the place I worked for DID NOT pay into unemployment, I was without that as well. The Lord spoke to me right after I was laid off and said "I am your source...a job is only a means". I believed him, but it was hard at times. There were times I didn't have enough to eat...let alone the bills. Every single time God raised someone up and I was given money. Today was my first day on my new job and it feels good...but I tell you what, I'm no longer dependent on a paycheck because NOW I know how God supplies. Whatever He's doing in you, let him. He's NOT going to let you fall. Trust me, there are times when it felt like He was failing, but right in the knick of time, He was there. I am praying for you...STAND!!!
  10. Thanks for rejoicing with me...
  11. God has His own ways of doing things and as the Word of God says, His ways are higher than our ways. Since you feel that God showed you that sunflower, then ask Him to confirm or elaborate to you what exactly what that means. His desire is that we know His will and because you asked, He will give you an answer. You are seeking his wisdom so He is faithful to respond...just wait patiently for it.
  12. What would life be like without D's one million emoticons in one posting...LOL!
  13. God moves in the most EXTRAordinary ways. Been looking for a job for over a year and I get a phone call, while I was in the grocery store last night, from a friend who has a friend who is a CFO (Chief Financial Officer). She was looking for ME to help her work on a project on the job that needs to be done by the end of the year so they can get this HUGE payout. Only God can put you on someones mind...even if you've only met them a couple of times! I begin this Thursday and I'm walking into a hostile enviornment because the reason why I am being hired because the office is filled with 20 year old girls who are goofing off while Miss CFO is out shopping for new accounts. She needs me in there to get the job done and she said they are very catty and most likely won't receive me. Anyone that knows me and how I operate, knows I know how to kill that spirit with LOTS OF LOVE! I'm pretty no nonsense...God made me that way...so I can handle it. Not just that, but I will be learning how to do some of their work as well, so that's going to be interesting... No matter how many resume's I've put out...how many NO CALL BACKS I've received, all along God had something up his "holy sleeve" and you just gotta let Him do it the way HE wants. It's a small company that is struggling, but God promised that whatever we put our hands to WILL prosper. I believe his very presence in me will cause this business to excel. We ALL should think this way...no matter where we go...things are better off because we are taking Jesus with us and it's his glory that makes the difference.
  14. What just fell on my heart dreams3 is for you and your daughter to take communion. Get into a mindset of what Christ has done on the cross on behalf of your daughter. Jesus took on all of this for her so there is no need for her to have to go through it again. Taking communion will cause you to remember what Jesus did and as she takes the bread and drinks from the cup, the power of Jesus Christ will flow through her body. Father, in the name of Jesus...I lift up dreams3 daughter to you. Jesus bore her sicknesses and diseases on the cross and left them there and by HIS STRIPES she is already healed. Lord we thank you that at the cross you stripped the devil and every evil spirit of their power over her. We thank you that no weapon that is formed against her can prosper. She is whole...she is healed...and your peace reigns in her body...her lungs and her throat in JESUS NAME...AMEN!!!
  15. I love it when God speaks through songs on the radio. That song you mentioned DS is the same song that Mia posted somewhere on the site. God allowed her to hear it at the right time as well. The song that God caused me to hear once was "oooh Child, things are gonna get easier". I forgot who sings it because I've heard several people sing it, but I heard the original person. I cried my eyes out because I was going through a ROUGH time. God will use ANYTHING...ANYONE..ANYBODY to get his Word to us. Remember Balaam heard from a donkey, in the Bible.
  16. By no means am I saying that the words DO NOT hurt, what I'm saying is that the words that others speak don't make you overweight. WHen we believe them and come into agreement with them is when it works. When we KNOW who we are and have come into agreement with what GOD has said, then we will become more like He has created us to be. Jesus already broke the curse...that's why he went to the cross...it's all a finished work. I have a mother who speaks HORRIBLE things about me. I've been chubby and I've been underweight...it doesn't matter, she just loves to downgrade me. It took an overdose of God's word to be able to look her in the face and realize that it's her own insecurities that has caused her to be so condescending to me. I can now look at her and feel sorry for her because she needs to know who SHE is. The more and more I realized who I was, the less and less she said things to me. It's funny how that works, but we have to know who's behind the word attacks...satan. He tries to break us and what better way to do it is to do it through people we love and respect. The mirror you should be focused on is the mirror of God's Word. And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. (2 Cor 3:18 - AMP) Be blessed!!
  17. First of all DS... You REALLY need to study about who you are. In this world, a lot of emphasis has been placed on the physical...it's all around us, but that is not WHO YOU ARE. When you figure out who you are in CHrist, it will begin to show on the outside...and that's not about a physical size, it's about His glory. You are overweight because of medicine. What we should be praying for is your healing so you can be delivered from whatever it is that is causing you to take the medication. You are NOT overweight because of curses people have put over you. That is a lie from the pit of hell. No one can curse what God has already declared to be blessed. The Bible clearly states that NO WEAPON formed against you can or will prosper. They can speak all they want, but it won't prosper. Naturally, if you want a good eating program, Weight Watchers is the best. My friend, who was 150 lbs overweight started in January of this year and she has already lost over 80 lbs. She goes out with us and eats...she eats whatever she wants, but she knows how to figure her portion sizes...and that's all it teaches. I think she pays $12/week or something like that and she really enjoys it. I know that Weight Watchers is all over the place so you may be able to find one where you are. You don't have to buy special food...just foods that you normally buy and eat in smaller portions. No matter what type of eating program you go on, it won't do any good until you find out that you are precious just the way you are. Yes, the weight will come off, but after a while, you will go right back to feeling inadequate. Your esteem should NOT be based on how you look because that changes over the years. It should be in who you are because who you are is how God created you and that never changes. Blessings to you!
  18. You've made some EXCELLENT points here Gamma3. WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!!!
  19. Move with the apology because at least you received one. Most people don't. They were honest enough to come back to you and repent, so give them that. Pray to have a heart of Jesus in this situation because if Jesus treated us how we treat some people, we would be up a creek. Imagine what you would feel like if you repented before the Lord for things you have done, but He moved in his disappointment regardless of your repentent heart. This is what I imagine when I'm put in situations and it helps me everytime.
  20. Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38) I wanted to share this testimony here because I know there are a lot of people in need for God to move on their behalf financially!! I've mentioned before that I've been out of work for over a year now. I was doing a little odd job at my friend's salon, helping her get organized and answering phones. The money didn't end up being a lot as we first anticipated because her business was suffering, due to the economy. God told me to stay there and just sow my time into her business. Then her father, who has a dog grooming business next door, began to struggle and his bookkeeper died suddenly. He had mentioned that he wanted to hire me as his bookkeeper, but he didn't have the money right now. A few weeks went by and as I was driving home from church, the Lord told me to sow into his business and do his books for free. Now, I love my Lord and Savior, however there are times when he asks me to do something and I'm like "Come on God, less of me giving and more of someone else giving to me for a change, K?" . Anyway, I told the father what I was going to do for him and his eyes welled up with tears and said that no one has ever done anything for him...he's always been the giver. Now I realize what God was doing. Soooo, the salon is closing down and the little money I was receiving from her is gone. I've gone over and above the call of duty as well as no matter what came into my hand, I tithed to the Lord and when I saw people in need, I sometimes gave my last to them...WITHOUT HAVING A JOB!! (((Fast Forward))) Yesterday I went to a prophetic meeting. One of my former ministers from way back in the day, came to California to host a meeting. It was awesome. I went to have some fried fish (MY FAVORITE) with my friend and I realized my gas light was on. All I had was the $5 change left from paying for my meal. I told the Lord, silently, that I would put the money in my tank and not go to church tomorrow (today) since I didn't have any gas. Well former minister called me on my cell to let me know that she wanted my friend and I to come back by the house because she wanted us to fellowship with her. I didn't want to go because of not having any gas, but I went anyway. We arrived, I sat down and there was an anointing that fell in that room...SUDDENLY!! Some people were prophectically ministered to and then it was my turn. Some awesome things were said to me, but at the tail end of that word she said "Where is my purse?" That came out of no where. Then she looked into her purse and grabbed money and put it in my hand...then everyone in the room begain to pour all of this money into my hands. She said "This is a sign that things are going to start happening to you immediately." I wept...I wept...I wept!! NO ONE knew that I didn't have ANY money...,not even my friend who was in the car with me. The total amount that was given to me was close to $200. God is faithful, despite not having an income, God continued to ask me to sow and at a financially empty time, God was able to cause people to give to my bosom. To God be the GLORY!!!!!!
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