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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. Does anyone know of a good, i.e., secure dream diary website? I suppose it could be a blogsite if it were possible to make the blog private... I would like to be able to start compiling my dreams in an online format and be able to access it from any computer. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Blessings, Lurdys
  2. Daph - I have the same issue I've discovered...and I have friends who hold very different positions than I do regarding some of the propositions that are on the Election ballot... :eek:
  3. Oh boy....I guess I learn quickly... ....in the last hour, I went to Facebook and started inviting everyone I know...coming up for air now...will I ever go outside again between Facebook and this site??? If you receive an invite from me, please accept it!
  4. Okay, I have to admit it, I'm Facebook challenged as well... :blushing: And it's funny...one of my co-workers also asked for my email address today so that she could send me an invite... My cousin sent me an invitation a couple of months ago which I did accept but I haven't done anything with the page and I don't know how to send invitations...I will check tonight and if I can figure it out, I'll send you an invitation.... Blessings, Lurdys
  5. vanelectro - I will pray for you and your ex and will PM you later this weekend. I too have recently had a relationship end unexpectedly so I understand what you are feeling. Just know that God is faithful and that He promises that He will heal the wounds of the brokenhearted. Blessings, Lurdys
  6. What a blessing, Praise God! He is SOOO good and SOOO faithful!! Blessings, Lurdys
  7. I've been sending up prayers as well. The only difference is that I've simply asked for God's perfect will to be done during the election and thereafter. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows the hearts and motivation of all the candidates. He sees things that we don't. He knows what He wants to accomplish in America and the rest of the world. And I'm sure He's neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Blessings, Lurdys
  8. Desiree - So sorry to hear of your loss! You and your family are in my prayers! Blessings, Lurdys
  9. Sirianta - I will keep you in my prayers. Blessings, Lurdys
  10. Jeanie - This is good news, Praise God! Will continue to keep you in prayer. Blessings, Lurdys
  11. Desiree - You are so right! I've been praying for her and her family since I heard the first announcement. I cried yesterday as though it was my own son that they found. This is so tragic and evil! It just reminded me of John 10:10 - "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." Praise God that they are believers and have a church family to surround them and love them in the midst of this. But we all must pray that the Lord continue to cover them and gird them up as they move through this dark, dark valley. Blessings, Lurdys
  12. God is SOOOOOOO good! Congratulations Desiree! Love in Christ, Lurdys
  13. Thanks Delaine! God Bless You, Lurdys
  14. Resolution - I'm sorry that you are in so much pain. I can sense the pain that you're feeling through your words, although I realize that I can't begin to really understand the depth of the pain that you're in. You're caught up in the devastating feelings of hurt and doubt. In the middle of hurt and doubt, it's hard to see things clearly. It's hard to see God in the midst of this. It's easy to feel like God has abandoned you. And this is the moment when the enemy comes in and amplifies your feelings of hurt by telling you lies about your worthiness, lies about your ability to be blessed, lies about God's love for you. Your question regarding why God has closed of freedom and blessing to you reminds me of Job. When Job was in the midst of his trial, he said the following: Job 23:8-9 (New International Version) 8 "But if I go to the east, he is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find him. 9 When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him. The thing that Job learned (and that you will learn once you are on the other side of this valley) is that God is real and He loves you deeply even though you can't see, hear, nor feel Him right now. While I believe the depression that you're in and the hurt you are feeling are very real, I also believe that you're vulnerable to the lies of the enemy during this period in your life. It's when we're down that he will come and whisper custom designed lies and tell us that we're unworthy, that we're unloveable and that God would never love us nor bless us. He then tempts us with the personalized sin that we struggle with and, more than we care to admit it, we fall into his trap and we sin. Then we feel guilty about the sin forgetting that we can reach out to God with a repentant heart and be forgiven. Overcome by guilt and feeling unworthy of God's love and sure that He's abandoned us because of what we did, we repeat the sin cycle. And at that moment, the enemy wins because the wages of sin is death. BUT remember that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23) Jesus not only wants us to live but He wants a better life for us: John 10:10 (New King James Version) 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I know you're probably sick of people throwing scripture at you right now, nonetheless, I hope something I've said touches your soul and gives you some measure of encouragement. And I commend you...I know others in earlier posts have told you to have faith and trust God but it's your faith that led you to this site...and given the struggles that you are dealing with now it's clear that your faith must be strong in order for you to have dealt with all that you're dealing with.... My concern right now is that you're alone (save for cyber friends like us) and you're hurting deeply. You shouldn't bear this burden alone, it can be overwhelming as you are seeing/feeling right now. Who can you reach out to? You mentioned your father, but not your mother...is she a part of your life? Are there any other relatives that you can talk to? Do you go to church? Is there a pastor, youth ministry leader, biblical counselor, prayer leader, men's ministry leader that you can talk to? If none of the above are doable, then you have to reach out to someone and you may have to pick up a phone or get an email referral to someone that you can talk to live. Here are some resources: www.newlife.com - Steve Arterburn has a wonderful, practical Christian counseling ministry. Please, please, please check out this website. He has a radio counseling program that you could call in to to get some answers to your questions as well as a referral to Christian counselors in your area. He also has a series of workshops, books, articles on the website that deal with depression as well as other struggles that you are dealing with. If you don't check any other site out, check this one. I don't know where you're at emotionally right now, so am including the following sites because you're depressed and because you've contemplated suicide before: http://www.christian-depression.org/cdp/sayings-xtn.php I like this site because it lists all those things that well intentioned Christians (like myself) say with the best of intentions but, well...miss the mark.... http://www.walking-wounded.net/html/christians___suicide__suicidal.html http://forms.christiananswers.net/personalcrisis/ Resolution, I hope that either through these sites or through someone you talk to that you find the tools that will assist in healing you from your pain. But what happens is dependent on you taking the next step. Please continue to use this website to chat, discuss, vent, etc. but don't use it as a substitute for face to face interaction, please seek the help of others in your local community. I will keep you in my prayers and pray that God would reveal Himself to you and assure you of His love for you and thank Him for the healing that He's going to do in your life. God bless you! Lurdys
  15. My mother (who will be 83 next month) was recently told by her MD that her kidneys are functioning at 25%. He's recommending dialysis but she refuses so they'll have to treat the kidneys via prescriptions. She has to go back in 3 months for additional tests to determine if there is any additional deterioration. I would appreciate it if you would pray for full restoration and a softening of her heart so that she can be fully healed. I don't want her to miss her blessing because of a spirit of stubbornness and/or fear. Thanks & God Bless, Lurdys
  16. Lifesdreamer - I enjoyed your writing!:coolyoh: Please let me know when your book of devotions is published...:-) Blessings, Lurdys
  17. I have a question...what do the stars underneath members' usernames mean, if anything? Thanks & God Bless!!
  18. Daph - I have and will continue to pray for your son and for you and your family. When will the procedure take place? Blessings, Lurdys
  19. Resolution - I wanted to share the following website with you in case you're not aware of it - Every Man's Battle. http://www.everymansbattle.com/ The website has information on everything from articles, books, workshops, counseling, etc. to assist in battling with and being victorious over porn addiction. Everything is handled in a loving, Christian, non-judgmental way. The ministry is under Steve Arterburn (www.newlife.com), a Christian counselor who has a radio ministry and gives workshops on a lot of different topics. I wanted to offer you this resource as a tangible way of taking that third step in your battle with porn. (1st step was confessing that you are addicted, 2nd step was praying to God for deliverance from the addiction) All the best to you, Brother in Christ, we are praying for you and for your victory!
  20. A sister in my bible study group had her home burglarized on Monday. The thieves took quite a number of items, among them her business computer. As you can imagine, she's quite unnerved by this burglary and hasn't slept well since. While she has since got a dog and is having a security system installed, she is concerned about the security of the data on her pc which has photos, account information, passwords, as well as client information on the hard drive. She is also praying that the insurance carrier will cover the claims. I would like to ask everyone to cover her and her home in prayer. I pray that the Lord would give my friend the peace that transcends all understanding and would form a hedge of protection around her home and assign an angel to every door, window and any other way of entry to protect her and her family in the name of Jesus. I also pray that the Lord would protect the hard drive of her pc so that the thieves can't access the data and do more damage. I pray that the Lord who loves righteousness and justice would lead the police to the thieves and that He would touch their hearts and take the scales off of their eyes so that they might know Him and repent from this way. I plead the blood of Jesus for our communities because the enemy walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. We will continue to resist him and remain steadfast in our faith. Throughout all of these trials, we know that God is still in control and will see us through. To Him be the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen. Thanks & God Bless, Lurdys
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